Thirty seven

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"This is so exciting- isn't this so exciting?"

Hoseok grinned as Taehyung babbled excitedly about how excited he was to bring yeontan to the park.

The dog in question was sitting obediently in a special dog booster seat that Taehyung had insisted on buying- there was no way his puppy was going to be shoved into the boot of the car- as Hoseok drove them to the park of their choosing.

"Yeah, it's pretty exciting for him." Hoseok agreed, glancing in the rear view mirror at the pooch. "I wonder if he's lazy like you- maybe he won't want to walk at all."

"Shut up." Taehyung whinged. "I'm not lazy, I just don't see the point in recreational walking- or well, that was before we got a dog, now I'll walk all day long if tannie wants."

"Whenever I asked if we could go on a walk together the answer was always: 'not now Hoseok, I have a headache Hoseok, we have a treadmill for a reason Hoseok'." Hoseok mimicked bitterly.

"I have a point, do I not?" Taehyung stood his ground. "Why spend money on a treadmill if you're just going to walk outside? And besides, if you walk on the treadmill you can watch tv at the same time."

"The reason I wanted to walk outside is to get away from the screens, babe." Hoseok informed him. "We spend way too much time in front of the tv."

"Well, we can walk outside now." Taehyung dismissed. "Because the treadmill is unsafe for Yeontan."

"You would one hundred percent not be here if he could use the treadmill." Hoseok quipped.

"Yeah, because I'd be too busy filming it so I could sell the footage to buzzfeed or something." Taehyung reasoned. "Use your business brain, Hoseok."

"Oh, of course, my bad." Hoseok scoffed. "I forgot that you were the business man out of the two of us."

"Yeah, clearly I am." Taehyung laughed. "Maybe you could take some tips from me and you wouldn't be stuck doing boring accounting."

"Accounting isn't boring." Hoseok defended halfheartedly, although he knew deep down that the only exciting thing about his job was his paycheck. "It's too stressful to be boring."

"Ben wyatt quit a job in accounting like three times- before he even sat at his desk- because it's that boring." Taehyung informed him.

"You have never done accounting in your life, babe." Hoseok said. "I don't think I need career advice from you."

"What are you talking about? I would make a great career guidance counsellor!" Taehyung giggled.

"You're unemployed, sweetheart." Hoseok pointed out bluntly.

"I'm a full time boyfriend, actually." Taehyung quipped. "And now also a full time dog mom."

"So nice that you can get paid to be a boyfriend." Hoseok said. "The rest of us have to actually do work to get money."

"Well I used to get paid just to have sex with this one guy but I quit that job for the boyfriend job." Taehyung said.

"Oh, so you were a prostitute?" Hoseok asked, smirking as he awaited Taehyung's reaction.

"No! What the hell? You thought of me as a prostitute?!" Taehyung screeched in offence.

"It was a joke!" Hoseok said hurriedly, back-pedalling immediately. "Of course I didn't think of you as a prostitute, it's just the way you said it like; having sex for money, makes it kinda sound like-"

"I did have sex with you for money." Taehyung deadpanned. "I had sex with you the day I met you for a laptop."

"That's different." Hoseok bluffed. "You were my sugar baby."

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