Fifty Six

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Taehyung's mystery illness hadn't let up in the slightest over the next few days, and Hoseok was at his wits end.

Neither of them had gotten a proper night’s sleep in days, and Taehyung hadn't eaten a substantial meal in just as long. The younger spent more time on the toilet than he did in bed.

Taehyung's stomach pains and bouts of vomiting were just a severe, and his toilet troubles hadn't improved much either. In the end he begged Hoseok to drive to the local pharmacy to find him a pack of adult diapers just in case, he was honestly scared to pass gas anymore for fear he'd soil himself.

So, after much arguing and many, many complaints from Taehyung, Hoseok had finally convinced Taehyung to see a doctor to get some help.

What neither of them were prepared for, however, was the actual diagnosis that Taehyung would receive there.

Taehyung scowled at Hoseok as the man in question tried not to laugh, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

They were on their way home from the doctors, and Hoseok had been having a hard time keeping a straight face ever since they got into the car.

"You said you wouldn't laugh." Taehyung huffed.

"I'm not laughing." Hoseok defended, keeping his eyes on the road to avoid Taehyung's glare.

"You're thinking about laughing." Taehyung snapped, folding his arms in annoyance.

"You don't know what I'm thinking of." Hoseok pointed out, but his general demeanour gave away that he was 100% thinking about laughing.

"It's not funny." Taehyung barked. "I could have died."

"It's a little funny..." Hoseok suggested, glancing over at Taehyung. Once he saw that Taehyung was staring back at him with eyes of fire, he quickly corrected himself; "You're right, It's not funny at all."

"Stop making fun of me!" Taehyung whinged. "You're supposed to be taking care of me- I'm still sick."

"Okay, I know, I am taking care of you." Hoseok allowed. "But you have to admit, there's a little bit of humour in the fact that you're so bad at cooking you gave yourself food poisoning."

"Is food poisoning a laughing matter to you?" Taehyung sassed. "Have you ever had food poisoning?"

"No." Hoseok informed him.

"Well, you wouldn't be laughing at it if you were the one with it coming out of both ends." Taehyung said in a very vulgar manner.

"I'm not laughing at you being sick, I'm laughing at the conditions under which this sickness came about." Hoseok explained.

"This is literally the worst thing that ever happened to me." Taehyung whinged. "I've never felt this sick in my life."

"At least you're starting to eat again." Hoseok said positively. "Soon you'll be able to spend more than five minutes off the toilet!"

"You are such a prick." Taehyung groaned.

"I'm going to put that language down to you being sick." Hoseok excused Taehyung's remark. "And as an apology for being said prick, I will go ask the pharmacy for your diarrhoea tablets to save you the embarrassment."

"If you weren't driving right now, I would fucking throttle you." Taehyung growled angrily.

"Taehyungie~ come on, I'm just kidding~!" Hoseok cooed, chuckling at Taehyung's foul mood.

"I hate you." Taehyung snapped bluntly.

"Hey, that's mean." Hoseok pouted. "I've been giving up all my time to take care of you and this is what I get?"

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