Fifty Four

519 17 62

This photo has me in a chokehold ^

One of the things that Taehyung found impossible in life was studying.

There was something about the idea of sitting at a desk staring at text for hours on end that didn't appeal to him, he wasn't sure why he found the notion so unbearable when he had no qualms about sitting and staring at his phone for hours at a time.

Hoseok didn't make his aversion to study any better, as Taehyung would much rather spend his time pestering his boyfriend than reading his notes.

However, the reality was that he had finals in just a weeks time and he was more than screwed for them- he hadn't done a tap for months so he had no one to blame but himself.

With Hoseok in Paris, he decided to spend the day reading his lecture notes and making flashcards, but as he looked over the course he realised just how much of it he didn't know, something that stressed him out to the highest degree.

He'd been studying all day, it was now just after one in the morning, yet he still couldn't answer an exam paper with full confidence.

He sighed, angrily slamming his pen down on the desk before he stood up and stomped to his bedroom.

After he stripped off and put on his pyjamas, he then proceeded to the bathroom to start his night routine that consisted of washing his face and brushing his teeth.

He couldn't shake the gloomy feeling that encompassed him as he climbed into bed; he couldn't help it, he was anxious about his exams, he was tired from studying and he missed his boyfriend more than he cared to admit.

He stared over at Hoseok's empty side of the bed, wishing his cheery other half was there to comfort him, but then again if Hoseok was there he wouldn't need to be comforted because then they wouldn't be thousands of miles apart.

He rolled over to Hoseok's side and buried his face in the pillow, inhaling deeply. The pillow still held Hoseok's sent and Taehyung found himself pouting sadly as he surrounded himself in the familiar smell, he wanted nothing more than to be with Hoseok right then but Hoseok wasn't there, and Hoseok wouldn't be there for another week and a half.

He felt a familiar lump in his throat and he dug his nails onto the palm of his hand to stop himself from tearing up over such a silly thing as this.

Maybe it wasn't just the lack of Hoseok that made him so downcast, (in fact, it certainly had a lot to do with school stress) but he couldn't help but feel emotional, maybe it had something to do with the fact that Hoseok's family loved him enough to take him to France for some time together when his parents didn't care enough to send him a text on his birthday, they didn't even care when his birthday was now that they wanted nothing to do with him.

He'd been in such a foul mood all day that he didn't know what else to do but wallow in self pity and bawl like a baby.

He reached for his phone which he left on the nightstand before sending Hoseok a text.

Night seokie,
I miss you way too much :( 💜
i hope you're having a good day xx

He locked his phone, Hoseok was probably busy enjoying some well earned family time; but just as he was about to discard it on the nightstand again it buzzed in his hand.

What are you doing
awake young man?
I thought you were
going to bed two hours ago.. 🤔

Taehyung cracked a slight smile before typing a reply.

I was studying like a good boy 😇
I'm so screwed for these exams
it's not even funny,
I literally want to drop out

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