Twenty two

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It had been two months since Taehyung moved in with Hoseok for good, and Taehyung couldn't be more happy.

He loved everything about living with Hoseok, from waking up next to him, to cuddling up on the couch in the evenings as they discussed how their days went. Sometimes he had to pinch himself to make sure it was all real; how could his life change to vastly for the better in just a few months? He went from barely scraping by and feeling lonely to living in the most beautiful house with the kindest, most breathtaking man alive.

Hoseok on the other hand, didn't know if he could ever truly adjust to the bubbly younger boy brightening up his day. His house had never been so homely since the younger boy made his mark on the place, scented candles seemed to be a staple in every room and no surface was complete without some kind of clutter, be it a photo frame or just some little decoration Taehyung had found. He had brought all of his couch cushions and throws from his apartment and dumped them onto the big suede couch in the living room and the amount of pillows and plush toys that appeared on their shared bed was ungodly.

But Taehyung had kept to his word and became much more responsible, he was saving his money and cleaning up after himself so that Hoseok was coming home to a nice clean house everyday after a long day at work.

Everything seemed to be working out perfectly for the pair until:

"Hoseok!" Taehyung screeched, his socked feet skidding on the smooth wood floor as he sprinted into the living room where Hoseok was lounging on the couch.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Hoseok sat up worriedly, his heart racing- he had been almost on the verge of dozing off as he watched tv after a long day at work.

"No!" Taehyung crowed, shoving his phone into hoseok's hand. 

Hoseok sleepily surveyed the screen but failed to see the problem.

Taehyung decided to fill him in. "I just got off the phone with my parents. They're coming to visit."

Hoseok still didn't see what the issue was. "Aren't you happy?"

He wasn't sure what the big issue was, if it had been his parents coming to visit, he would be ecstatic; however, he and Taehyung had never really talked in depth about their parents before, they had been too preoccupied with their whirlwind romance. He couldn't honestly say that he knew anything about Taehyung's parents.

"They want to stay with me Hoseok!" Taehyung cried, throwing himself down onto the couch next to Hoseok defeatedly. "There's so much they don't know about me! They don't know that I live with you and they don't know have a boyfriend. They don't even know that I'm gay!"

"What? Your parents don't know that you're gay?" Hoseok echoed in disbelief. "How is that possible?"

"I lied. I've been lying to them my whole life." Taehyung sighed. "I told them I got a job when they asked how I was affording rent and college."

It tore him up to admit how dysfunctional his relationship with his parents was; and it hurt even more to know that he could never tell his parents the truth. It was only when he moved to Seoul that he really became free to be himself, and even then, he was still finding himself. The thought of his parents coming back into the picture made him sick to his stomach with anxiety.

"Taehyung.. why do you feel the need to lie to your parents like that?" Hoseok asked softly, bundling Taehyung into his arms and running his fingers through the younger's hair comfortingly.

"They've never been the most open minded people." Taehyung said simply, deciding not to elaborate. He didn't want to worry Hoseok with the reality that was his parents' close-mindedness.

Hoseok understood not to pry. "So what are we working with here? I'll try and help you as best I can."

"So basically; I told them that I'm a single, heterosexual student in Seoul with a cool job that pays well and a has nice place to live." Taehyung explained. "Basically my whole life is a lie."

"And they want to stay with you?" Hoseok asked dejectedly.

Taehyung nodded. "Looks like it."

"They can't just stay in a hotel close by?"

"They're not gonna pay for a hotel when they could stay with me." Taehyung sighed. "How am I going to explain the fact that I now live in a huge house with my boyfriend that I met through my flamboyantly gay best friend who my parents hate?"

"We can work something out." Hoseok mused optimistically. "Tell me more about your parents."

"Well.. I guess they've always wanted me to be more than I am." Taehyung remarked sadly. "They wanted me to study law and work for a big fancy company in Daegu, they nearly disowned me when I told them I was going to do an arts course. My dad said it was bullshit degree that would get me nowhere in life.. For a while I had it in my head that I'd do law and make my parents happy- I even put it down as my first choice for college, but when the offers came after high school I panicked, I couldn't see myself being the perfect child my parents wanted, so I cancelled the offer and moved away from home to study literature, I met Jin and everything seemed to pick up from there. They've come to visit once or twice but they haven't asked to stay before."

"That must have been really hard for you," Hoseok frowned sympathetically, placing a consoling hand on the younger's thigh. "But I'm glad you decided to follow your heart rather than your parents.. it brought you to me."

"I don't regret it either, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me," Taehyung began, fidgeting with the throw on the couch as he spoke. "But I'm just so worried about how I'm going to explain all of this to my parents.."

Hoseok paused for a moment, staring off into space as he got lost in thought. It broke his heart that Taehyung felt the need to lie about his life to his own parents, but given the circumstances, he wanted to do anything within his power to keep Taehyung's secret safe.

"Did you ever specifically mention to your parents that you live alone?" Hoseok asked.

"No? I guess not, but they kinda just assume I do.. they've never been to my apartment so they don't know for sure."

"Look, it doesn't make sense that you'd be able to afford a place in Seoul by yourself- aside from the place you were renting but that wasn't much more than a tiny bedroom and a kitchen." Hoseok noted, rationalising the situation in his mind. "So it would make sense that you would share a house with someone to split the rent.."

"If this house wasn't a mansion then I could pass it off as that." Taehyung whined. "And that still doesn't explain my supposed job that I lied about."

"Jin isn't much help either.." Hoseok remarked thoughtfully.

"What am I going to do?!" Taehyung whimpered exasperatedly. "I can't just tell them everything that's been going on, they'd kill me."

Hoseok sighed. "We're just going to have to lie some more."

"And say what?" Taehyung groaned. "What can I possibly do to throw them off now?!"

"Taehyung calm down, I have an idea." Hoseok said softly. "A few more lies on top of all this won't make a difference. We just have to lie enough to make it look like the truth."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, quirking his head to the side in curiosity.

"I have a plan and it's so unbelievable that it could work.." Hoseok mused. "We just have to play on your parents fantasies."

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