Twenty four

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Smut (><)

Hoseok didn't even look up from his phone as the bedroom door burst open, revealing a half naked Taehyung with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"Took you long enough." He mused, grinning as Taehyung padded over so he was standing at the side of the bed next to him.

"How did you know I'd even come?" Taehyung's voice was groggy, as if he had been on the edge of sleep but couldn't quite manage to nod off- Which Hoseok knew was the case, as the younger boy made a point of having trouble sleeping without him to cuddle up to.

"Because you hate sleeping without me. You need my cuddles." Hoseok teased, laughing quietly as he pulled Taehyung down into his lap, the comforter that had been around his shoulders discarded on the floor as he straddled hoseok's hips. He cuddled up to Hoseok immediately, nestling his head into the crook of the older man's neck and intertwining his fingers with hoseok's as the older boy pulled the duvet up to cover both of them. 

"Do not." He argued half heartedly, breathing in the older man's scent. He missed being so close to Hoseok, he could barely stand having to pretend they were noting more than associates. "I was just cold because I forgot to bring my pyjamas."

"Yeah, that's why you kick up a fuss every time I have to go away for the night." Hoseok chuckled, recalling the few times his work required him to stay overnight in another city and the fight that Taehyung put up every time he was left alone in the house.

"Shhh." Taehyung shushed him playfully before pressing his lips against Hoseok's to distract him from the topic at hand. "I missed you today."

"I've been right here all day baby." Hoseok murmured against his lips.

"I missed this." Taehyung hummed, grinning sleepily at Hoseok. "I hate pretending that theres nothing going on between us."

"Aww did little Taehyungie miss his daddy?" Hoseok cooed in a cutesy voice, poking Taehyung in the cheek repeatedly causing the younger boy to giggle.

"Stop~" He whined half heartedly, still laughing as he turned his face away to escape Hoseok's childish poking. "I'm not in the mood for playful Hoseok."

"You're always in the mood for playful Hoseok." The man in question retorted, moving his hands to skim Taehyung's stomach causing him to shriek and wriggle on top of him.

"I'm ticklish Hoseok! You know that- stop!" Taehyung laughed loudly, thrashing in hoseok's grasp as the older man ticked him relentlessly. "I'll wake up my parents!"

"They're all the way at the other side of the house," Hoseok replied, rolling his eyes as he retracted his hands from Taehyung's ticklish sides. "They're not going to hear anything."

"I know, I just wanted you to stop tickling me." Taehyung quipped, smiling cheekily down at Hoseok.

"I thought you loved me." Hoseok pouted jokingly. "You won't even let me touch you."

"I do love you." Taehyung smiled, kissing Hoseok quickly as if to prove a point before he continued. "I love you lots and lots."

Hoseok brought a hand up to cup Taehyung's cheek as he pulled the brunettes mouth back onto his, relishing in the feeling of Taehyung's soft, warm lips against his own.

"I love you more." He murmured, kissing Taehyung between each word.

"That's impossible." Taehyung sighed happily as Hoseok moved his mouth downwards and he tilted his head back to allow him more access to his throat as the older boy trailed delicate kisses across the expanse of his neck.

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