Fifty Two

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Another fun filler because there's a huge chunk of plot coming up that all connects and I don't want to break it up by publishing this in the middle he he x

Mornings with Taehyung always went one of two ways:

The first was a panicked rush because they'd stayed up too late the night before and they'd both ended up sleeping in far too long. These were usually weekdays, where Taehyung was running late to school and Hoseok was rushing to get to work. They weren't Hoseok's favourite mornings, because Taehyung had a tendency to be cranky when he was woken before he'd gotten his eight hours, and even crankier when he didn't have time to eat a good breakfast.

The mornings that Hoseok lived for, on the other hand, were mostly on the weekend where they were free to sleep in until late morning when the sun poked through the blinds, projecting streaks of golden sunlight across the room. Mornings where they'd stay wrapped up in each other for a few hours before budging from the bed, talking about nothing and simply enjoying each other's company; no class, no work to tear them apart; nothing but that moment between them.

He really cherished those mornings.

Getting to see Taehyung first thing in the morning was something he held dear too, it felt nice knowing that he was the only one who saw all sides of Taehyung; both the glamorous side and the vulnerable, drooling-in-his-sleep side. He always looked adorable with his flushed cheeks and squinty expression as he awoke each morning.

After lounging in bed for half the morning, they'd go downstairs for some breakfast before cozying up on the couch to watch cartoons together.

"I think mornings like this are my favourite part of the week." Hoseok mused smilingly as he watched Taehyung munch on a spoonful of sugary cereal.

"I like them too." Taehyung beamed in return. "Which is saying something, because I'm not a morning person.. You know, when I first met you I never would have thought that you'd be so into cartoons- you seemed too serious. I can't believe how wrong I got you when we met."

"I think I got you right." Hoseok said smugly. "Or actually- I thought you were shy and innocent when we met so I definitely didn't get you right. You're a freak in the sheets and you're chaotically confident sometimes."

"Plus you thought I was a twink so.." Taehyung said pointedly. "Definitely wrong."

"I mean, don't you remember what you wore that day?" Hoseok snickered, causing Taehyung to glare at him playfully.

"We all have a dark and shameful past, Hoseok." Taehyung grumbled. "I thought bottoms were supposed to wear that."

"No, I don't think anyone has ever written a scripture declaring that all bottoms shall dress like jojo siwa." Hoseok cackled, much to Taehyung's annoyance.

"Thin ice, Hoseok." He warned halfheartedly.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with dressing like that- there's plenty of men who do the whole pink oversized sweater look- but it's just so not you." Hoseok noted. "You like wearing pretty shirts and blazers and autumnal colours- you're not a pastel kind of guy."

"I bought that whole outfit on the way home from class for the date!" Taehyung whinged embarrassedly as Hoseok teased him mercilessly. "I thought you'd think it was weird if I turned up in my normal clothes because Jin said the pants I usually wear are too baggy and homeless-y."

"I love the way you dress, baby." Hoseok assured him with a smile. "You're always the best dressed in the room. My little teddy bear~"

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood." Taehyung said playfully. "And that I think you calling me your teddy bear is really adorable."

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