Twenty five

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Waking up the next morning was peaceful for all of about thirty seconds after Taehyung opened his eyes. Hoseok's head was resting on his chest, using him as a pillow as he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist tightly.

At first he cooed internally at how handsome Hoseok was— before a thought struck him; his mother or father could walk in at any time and see him and Hoseok casually cuddling one another in bed, not to mention the fact that they were both stark naked under the covers.

"Hoseok," He whispered urgently, swatting Hoseok's back lightly in an attempt to wake him. "Wake up."

"Mhmm.." Hoseok groaned, nestling his face into Taehyung's chest sleepily.

"Wakey wakey." Taehyung tried again, patting him on the head in an attempt to wake him up.

"Ten more minutes." Hoseok slurred sleepily, refusing to lift his head from his makeshift pillow.

"Hoseok!" Taehyung crowed, shaking Hoseok violently. "Wake up now! We don't have ten minutes!"

"Okay." Hoseok grumbled, reluctantly peeling himself off of Taehyung and sitting up. "What's the problem?"

"We have to get up before my parents wake up." Taehyung announced. "And we have to shower and make sure that there's no evidence of last night."

He hopped off the bed to walk to his vanity and scan his throat and chest, to his dismay there was a faint pinkish-purple splotch visible in the middle of his throat. His hair was sticking up in all directions too and he could feel a dull ache in his legs from last nights activities.

"I don't get why you're so worked up over this, even if there is any 'evidence from last night' they're not going to see it because this is technically my room and they can't really just barge on in here, can they?" Hoseok reasoned, trying to get Taehyung to calm down and think logically for once.

Taehyung paid Hoseok no heed as he just sighed, rolling his eyes at Hoseok's obvious lack of concern before padding into the bathroom and turning on the shower.

After making sure the water was hot enough he stepped in, letting the warm water flow over him. He closed his eyes, tilting his face up towards the stream of water as he carded his fingers through his tangled hair to try and free the strands of the mess caused by tossing in his sleep.

"Nice of you to invite me." Hoseok quipped sarcastically as he snaked his arms around Taehyung's bare torso, causing said boy to squeak in fright.

"Hoseok! What are you doing?! We shouldn't be showering together!" Taehyung shrieked. "We shouldn't even have slept together last night! We're being so careless!"

"Baby, calm down." Hoseok shushed him, placing a gentle kiss to the nape of Taehyung's neck. "The door's locked, no one's going to know a thing. All we're doing is sharing a shower, there's nothing bad happening."

"I guess..." Taehyung allowed, biting his lip nervously. "I'm just stressed because if they find out— I know they'll react badly..." 

"They can't prove anything." Hoseok assured him, straightening up and grabbing the shampoo off the shelf built into the wall before pouring a generous amount into his hand and working it into his hair. "For all they know, you're across the hall in 'your room'."

"You're right." Taehyung gave in as he moved out of the stream of water to allow Hoseok to rinse off his hair before he shampooed his own hair. "They can only see what we show them."

"Exactly." Hoseok grinned, exchanging the shampoo bottle for the body wash and getting to work on lathering Taehyung's chest with the gel.

"But.." Taehyung trailed off, conflicted. "What if they accidentally just- know?"

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