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There were a lot of things that Taehyung wanted in life.

For instance, he wanted a big house, big cars, and big rings- But at the very top of his list in that particular instance of time, was Hoseok's attention. Which proved a lot more difficult to obtain than one would think.

"Hobi~~" Taehyung called in a singsong voice, resting his chin on Hoseok's shoulder as he pouted. "I am right here, don't ignore me!"

"Baby, you know that I'm not ignoring you." Hoseok sighed, offering Taehyung a tired smile. "I've just got a lot on my plate at the moment, took that time off to spend with you, Tae, I've got a lot of work to catch up on. Come on, didn't you say you would study?"

Taehyung glared with contempt at the paperwork strewn across Hoseok's lavish looking wooden desk. A tiny voice at the back of his head was reminding him that Hoseok was only this far behind and this exhausted from work because the bubbly brunette required every ounce of the busy man's time.

He'd taken to coming over unannounced regularly when Hoseok finished work, just in case he didn't see enough of him already. He spent more time at Hoseok's than he did in his own apartment, he told himself it was because Hoseok's luxurious office offered a better place for him to study but deep down he knew that he just wanted to be in Hoseok's presence.

Hoseok seemed more than happy to accommodate him, which brought a smile to the younger boys face, but there was still one thing bothering him. More often then not, Taehyung would end up staying the night with Hoseok in his bed, but the most the two would do was cuddle- and Taehyung was just about going insane.

He was determined to get his way tonight, no matter what.

"Am I not more important than those stupid documents?" Taehyung huffed, scowling at Hoseok. "Have you gotten sick of me seokie? Is it that I'm not good enough for you anymore?"

Hoseok sighed, tearing his eyes away from the computer in front of him to face the pouting younger.

"Taehyung, don't do this." He replied, pulling at his hair in frustration. "We both know that's not true, you mean everything to me."

"Clearly I don't." Taehyung snipped, turning away from Hoseok. He was fully aware that he was being in no way fair to Hoseok, but Taehyung was a selfish creature and he knew what he wanted. "You'd rather do work than spend time with me."

"Taehyung please." Hoseok pleaded. "I need to work so I can buy you all the nice things you want. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't be doing this. You know that you're my main priority."

"Then act like it." Taehyung retaliated bluntly, looking Hoseok in the eye.

"What do you mean?" The older man questioned, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Everything I do is for yo-"

"Show me how much you care." Taehyung demanded, staring expectantly at Hoseok.

Hoseok blinked uncertainly before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on the younger boys lips.

"Of course I care about you, silly." Hoseok breathed against the younger boys lips, kissing him lightly between every few syllables.

Hoseok made to pull away only to be locked in Taehyung's vice like grip, forcing him to return his lips to the younger's. Taehyung parted his lips, inviting Hoseok to deepen the kiss- an offer that he declined.

"Taehyung no.." Hoseok breathed shakily. "I have to do this."

"Can't you do me instead?" Taehyung grinned cheekily, moving so that he was straddling Hoseok in his office chair.

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