Thirty five

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This is totally not time accurate- in fact this was meant to be posted last December along with a Christmas chapter (which obv won't be posted in the middle of summer) before it because I wanted to have it up around the time of Taehyung's actual birthday but I feel like the story has been dragging on for too long and I want to move on to like other things in the story that happen after they've been together for a year which is coming soon blah blah okay ignore that it's still technically December in the story lol


Taehyung growled in annoyance as he felt Hoseok shaking him awake gently.

He snuggled further into the warmth of the bed, trying to escape the offending party.

"Wakey wakey~" Hoseok cooed happily, his hand moving to smooth the younger's wild hair.

"Nnnh." Taehyung grunted, which translates roughly to 'fuck off'.

Hoseok remained persistent, leaning down to kiss the boy on the cheek in the hopes of coaxing him to wake up. "Time to get up baby, I want to make the most out of today."

Taehyung was about to snap at Hoseok for disturbing his beauty sleep when he was suddenly struck by a realisation of what 'today' was; it was his birthday.

His eyes snapped open as soon as he had his little revelation, his mind already whirring with thoughts on what Hoseok may have bought him, especially after how the older spoiled him on christmas.

His mind flickered briefly to the huge, shiny, new black Rolls-Royce ghost parked in the garage and he smiled to himself as he imagined the look on his friends faces when he pulls up outside his university. He couldn't have been more happier about his old car breaking down if he tried.

"Finally, you're awake!" Hoseok cheered as Taehyung rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Good morning~!"

"Morning seokie." Taehyung grinned.

"Guess what day it is." Hoseok cooed, gazing dotingly at Taehyung.

"My birthday~" Taehyung giggled happily.

"Happy birthday, Taehyung~!" Hoseok beamed brightly, flashing his blinding white teeth.

"Thanks hobi." Taehyung smiled, sitting up against the headboard as Hoseok leaned across to give him a hug.

"I can't believe you're twenty two!" Hoseok exclaimed, peppering kisses across Taehyung's face causing the younger to giggle and squirm away. "I mean you're still only a baby but still.."

"Baby?!" Taehyung echoed. "Just cause I'm not a pensioner like you, you old man."

"Excuse me!" Hoseok gasped in mock offence.

"Aren't you pushing on thirty now?" Taehyung laughed. "You'll be in the retirement home soon."

"Oh yeah?" Hoseok said, lurching forward to attack Taehyung with tickles.

"Yeah-!" Taehyung laughed loudly as Hoseok's hands pushed under his pyjama shirt to skim his sides, he wriggled wildly as he tried to escape Hoseok's fingers. "You're gonna be getting grey hairs soon-"

"Well at least I'm not in playschool like you, toddler." Hoseok teased as Taehyung screeched with laughter.

"Eww, that makes you a-" Taehyung started through fits of giggles.

"Oh my god, don't finish that sentence." Hoseok warned.

"Then stop tickling me!!" Taehyung exclaimed. "I can't breathe!"

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