Twenty eight

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16k wtf y'all are wizards I refuse to believe that more than 2 people actually read this shihhh
(Also I accidentally published this without changing the chapter name so if u saw that just ignore lmao it was just a reminder to myself)

"Taehyung, i'm really sorry about what happened at the cafe." Jimin apologised profusely. "I hope you're not cross with me, i really was excited to meet Hoseok."

Taehyung stared blankly at the shorter boy standing at his front door, his eyebrows furrowed as he thoughtfully spooned cookie dough ice cream into his mouth.

"How.. did you get here?" Taehyung asked, digging his spoon back into his gallon of ice cream nonchalantly.

"Uh..I drove here?" Jimin answered confusedly.

"No, like, how did you know where i live?" Taehyung clarified, but he didn't seem to be too concerned about whereabouts Jimin found his address as he continued to shovel ice cream into his mouth.

"Oh!" Jimin said. "I asked Namjoon because he said he was friends with Hoseok and you live with Hoseok so..."

"Oh." Taehyung said simply.

"Can.. i come in..?" Jimin asked hesitantly, gazing expectantly at Taehyung.

"Oh yeah, sure!" Taehyung chirped, stepping back to allow Jimin to come inside his magnificent home. "Hoseok's in the living room."

"Whoa! Your house is amazing!" Jimin said in awe, twisting his neck to look around as he traipsed after Taehyung through the marble-tiled entrance hall. "This one room is like, one hundred times the size of my dorm room."

"That's because your dorm is literately one teeny room," Taehyung scoffed. "I don't get why you don't just rent an apartment like i did."

"Taehyung your tiny apartment cost so much that you couldn't afford groceries most weeks- and that was while you still actually had a job, besides i don't mind staying in a dorm because Jungkook is my roommate." Jimin explained. "But if someone said i could live in a house like this i would literally die, it's so pretty."

"I chose a private shower over groceries." Taehyung countered. "I don't know how you can use those nasty ass dorm showers with everyone looking at your dick."

He led his guest into the living room, where Hoseok was staring at the tv with wide eyes as a movie played, he had his very own ice cream (that was considerably smaller than Taehyung's family pack gallon of ice cream) and his spoon was hovering halfway between his mouth and his little ice cream container, a look of mild confusion painted across his face as Tommy Wiseau adamantly denied hitting lisa.

Taehyung skipped over to the couch where his boyfriend sat before flinging himself onto the couch beside the transfixed Hoseok, causing him to jump in fright.

"Jimin's here~! Say hi, hobi!" Taehyung sang, snuggling into Hoseok's side and prompting Jimin to sit down in the space next to him. "Oh, sorry Jimin, we were watching The Room because Hoseok has never seen it before."

He nudged Hoseok in the ribs to get his attention as Jimin perched on the edge of the couch beside him.

"Hi." Hoseok said absentmindedly, earning another nudge from his boyfriend.

"Hey Hoseok," Jimin said politely. "I'm sorry about what happened today, i talked to Jungkook about it but he said that he didn't do anything wrong- even though he did. But i'm saying sorry on his behalf too."

"It's okay!" Hoseok said brightly, managing to tear his eyes away from the confusion that was The Room for a second to talk to their guest. "Taehyung is the one who's mad not- oof- me."

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