Thirty Six

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"-oh! And he got me a car for Christmas and I was so shocked- Well, if I'm honest, I was kinda thinking he might get me a car because mine broke down a few months ago so I've been driving his- but I wasn't expecting a Rolls Royce! So after the car I was thinking, surely he wouldn't buy me anything else- but guess what?"

"I literally don't care." Jungkook groaned as Taehyung yapped on about his expensive gifts.

"He did! Like, the Rolls Royce would have been enough, but he got me loads of clothes and cool things- he even made me a little photo board thingy with cute pictures of us and it had a little "T + H" at the top, to stand for Taehyung and Hoseok! It was the sweetest thing honestly, I thought we should hang it over our bed but Hoseok doesn't like it there, he thinks that we should put it in the living room. What do you think?"

He looked at Jungkook for a response but the younger was staring at his phone.

"Jungkook!" He barked.

"Sorry what?" Jungkook looked up, the look of boredom still painted across his features as he willed time to speed up so his lecture would start and he would have a reason to leave.

"Where do you think I should hang it?"

"Wherever." Jungkook shrugged vaguely, having no idea what Taehyung wanted to hang as he had zoned out for the majority of Taehyung's last spiel.

"Anyway, after Christmas it was my birthday a few days later and I was sure that he wouldn't be able to top the Christmas presents, but I was so wrong because- he got me a puppy!" Taehyung cheered happily.

"You have a dog now?" Jungkook perked up at the mention of a puppy, because in all honesty; who wouldn't? "That seems like an awful lot of responsibility for someone that can't even take care of themselves."

"Yeah, it's a little baby teacup Pomeranian." Taehyung cooed as he thought about the tiny puppy, he decided to ignore the slight jab at the end of Jungkook's statement. "Do you wanna see a picture?"

"Sure." Jungkook shrugged as Taehyung pulled out his phone and clicked into his camera roll. Immediately the screen was flooded with pictures of a single dog.

"Isn't he precious?" Taehyung sighed happily as he showed Jungkook a picture of yeontan in Hoseok's arms.

"Who, the dog or Hoseok?" Jungkook laughed at his own joke.

"Both." Taehyung smiled contentedly. "Hoseok is the best, I can't believe he finally let me get a dog- I've been asking him for a dog for months!"

"What's the dogs name?" Jungkook wondered as Taehyung flicked through various pictures of the dog; one of him with a bow around its neck, one of it asleep under a blanket, one of it sitting on a chair, one of it with Taehyung, the scenarios seemed endless for the poor dog.

"Yeontan! We were trying to decide on names for days but we both like yeontan and I think tannie likes it too." Taehyung informed in excitedly.

"He's kinda adorable." Jungkook admitted.

"I know, right?" Taehyung agreed. "Literally all I want to do is get home to play with him~ He's so cute it makes my heart hurt, he's so small that he trips over everything and it's actually hysterical- I think I have a video actually.... oh wait that was on Hoseok's phone.."

Jungkook was starting to zone out again as Taehyung rambled on and on and on about the dog, and Hoseok, and Hoseok and the dog together.

" Hoseok already made sure tannie has all his shots and stuff because Hoseok thinks of everything, he's seriously amazing, so I think we're going to take him for a walk in the park this weekend and I'm so excited because it'll be his first time walking somewhere other than the garden-"

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