Forty Four

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Fun news!! I finally bit the bullet and bought myself my first army bomb :D I've been into bts since 2015 and I've always wanted one of these but always thought they were too expensive :') (lowkey only got it to sync with MVs lol)

Heads up: this chapter is extremely dialogue heavy

Hoseok woke to sun streaming across his face; they had forgotten to close the curtains all the way in their luxury Tokyo suite the pervious night and sunlight was pouring into the room.

Taehyung was sprawled across his chest, his face nestled into the crook of his neck. He could feel the soft puffs of air against his throat with each quiet snore Taehyung emitted.

Hoseok felt overwhelmingly content in that moment, as he admired the way the sunlight lit Taehyung's brown hair so that it almost looked golden; he had just woken up in a beautiful city with the love of his life curled up at his side.

He found himself grinning as Taehyung stirred slightly in his sleep, whining cutely before cuddling closer to him.

He thought to himself that he would stay like that forever if given the chance, watching Taehyung sleep and enjoying the calm of the morning. Taehyung looked almost angelic when he slept, his pink lips parted slightly and his long, thick eyelashes fanning out against his cheeks. He had always admired the few freckles that dotted Taehyung's face, especially the adorable freckle on his nose.

There was no denying the fact that Taehyung was the prettiest man Hoseok had ever seen, and Hoseok felt incredibly lucky to be able to call the beautiful man his. He couldn't believe that it had already been a year since he met the whirlwind brunette.

"Mmmh.." Taehyung mumbled, groaning quietly as he woke. Hoseok could feel Taehyung's eyelashes fluttering against his neck, alerting him to Taehyung's waking.

"Morning, beautiful." Hoseok smiled down at Taehyung who had pulled back to gaze up at him.

"Good morning." Taehyung uttered, squinting sleepy eyes against the morning light. His tired eyes lit up with excitement as he remembered the day, or rather the occasion that fell on it. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary, baby." Hoseok echoed, his smile growing as Taehyung grinned back at him. "Sleep well?"

"I always sleep well with you here." Taehyung giggled, pecking Hoseok on the lips despite their morning breath. "I can't believe it's been a whole year since our first date."

"The best year of my life." Hoseok admitted, gazing lovingly into Taehyung's eyes.

"Mine too.." Taehyung agreed. "I love you so so much."

"Not as much as I love you." Hoseok argued.

"I love you more~" Taehyung sang, peppering gentle kisses across Hoseok's cheeks.

"I love you most~" Hoseok mused, bringing a hand up to smooth out Taehyung's messy hair.

"I love you times one hundred." Taehyung said happily.

"I love you times a thousand."

"I love you times one billion." Taehyung said; it was more of a competition than anything at that stage.

"I love you times a trillion." Hoseok countered.

"Well I love you times infinity!" Taehyung said triumphantly

"I love you times infinity- plus one." Hoseok smirked in victory.

"Hobi~!" Taehyung whinged frustratedly. "Stop~!"

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