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This story has 3k views???? I honestly can't believe it cos this whole fiC is a piss take that I write when I feel shit ^^ thanks for reading!!!

"I still don't get why you decided to take an extra two weeks off college." Jin huffed, shaking his head in annoyance as he took a seemingly endless supply of lunch boxes out of his bag and set them down in front of Taehyung. "You and hoseok made up, why didn't you come back to college? You don't pay the price of a small car to miss classes Taehyung!"

The two were seated on the grass outside, about to eat lunch. Jin had forced them to sit outside because it was "too good a day to sit inside and waste perfectly good vitamin D". It wasn't as if Taehyung didn't like vitamin D- it's just he didn't think Jin had the same kind of vitamin D in mind.

Taehyung was too busy glancing around nervously to look jin in the eye as he replied. "I haven't seen jimin since... You know... And I'm not prepared for him to unleash his angry jimin pout and make me feel bad for the next ninety two years."

"That's what this is about?" Jin laughed. "Taehyung, you have nothing to worry about on the jimin front."

"His boyfriend attempted to- to perform fellatio on me, Seokjin! I have a little more than nothing to worry about."

"Alright shakesphere, I don't think he really gives a shit if yoongi 'performs fellatio' on anyone." Jin scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Uhm, Jin it's his boyfriend- of course he cares." Taehyung retaliated. "If I saw Hoseok with one of my friends then I would have one less friend and the world would have one less person."

"Look never mind- you'll see what I mean when he gets here." Jin brushed the younger boy off before the had an aneurysm worrying about jimin. "And I don't think you've anything to worry about, the only person Hoseok wants to touch is you."

"He has a funny way of showing it..." Taehyung muttered to himself as he shovelled Jin's food into his mouth before the older boy could stop him.

"What do you mean?" Jin questioned, raising a brow in curiosity as he smacked the chopsticks out of the younger's hand.

"He hasn't touched me since our fight." Taehyung grumbled, scowling at the thought. "Anytime I try to take things further than a kiss he suddenly comes up with some lavish activity for us to do. And it's not fair because he knows I have a weakness for fancy stuff! Honestly, I feel like Bella from that one part of breaking dawn where Edward just takes her to do random shit so she won't jump him."

"Please don't mention twilight to me, it's bad enough that you're giving me insight on your sex life." Jin said, a disgusted look plastered across his face. "And maybe hoseok wants to give you space after what happened last time you... slept with him. It's kind of hard to come back from that, especially since he knows what he did was wrong and he saw how much it hurt you."

"I've had enough space! I never wanted space! Oh my god, he's so stupid." Taehyung crowed, flailing his arms about in frustration. "I've made it more than clear that I want him to fuck me until-"

"Okay, okay, okay!! Let's not take things too far." Jin grimaced. "Just do something to get his attention, when joons busy with work sometimes he neglects that side of the bargain but all I have to do is make him want me more than he already does, you know?"

"Yeah..." Taehyung started. "I'll have to do something really sexy to catch his eye."

"Okay great, great talk now please keep it in the pants because here comes jimin and jungkook." Jin pointed to behind Taehyung and the younger boy whipped around to see.

True to Jin's word, Jimin was prancing over to them, towing a grinning jungkook behind him by the hand. Upon further inspection Taehyung found that there was a light blush dusting jungkook's cheeks.

"Hey guys!" Jimin beamed, flopping down next to Taehyung, subsequently forcing jungkook to sit next to him.

Jin greeted them enthusiastically as Taehyung turned to Jimin.

"Hey, chim- you probably know about the whole thing that happened..." Taehyung tailed off awkwardly, trying to think of a way to best phrase what he was trying to say. "And I just kinda wanted to say that I'm sorry about yoongi, i really am-"

"Taehyung, I know, Yoongi told me after it happened and we agreed to break up, I'm not mad at you. But after that, Jungkook started comforting me and-" Jimin gave a cautious glance at Jungkook, continuing once he saw that the younger boy was immersed in a discussion with jin. "We kissed- he kissed me!! More than once too, and when I asked about it after he said it wasn't an accident! He just said that he has confusing feelings towards me and he needs time to wrap his head around the fact that he might like a boy. Tae, he might like me!"

Taehyung sat there, dumbly staring at Jimin for a minute as he registered the words he never thought he'd hear.

"Wait, hold up- oh my god! Jimin that's great! I'm so happy for you!" Taehyung lunged at Jimin and pulled him into a congratulatory hug.

"Hey- Jimin, I thought we were exclusive now." Jungkook called out, glaring at the pair jokingly.

Jimin detached himself from Taehyung immediately and stared at jungkook with wide eyes. His shock was quickly replaced by a menacing smirk.

"Well, I mean it's not like we're dating or anything, is it?" Jimin replied playfully. "You haven't asked me out, so I'm allowed to hug whoever I want."

"I guess you're right." Jungkook agreed with a nod. "In that case, Jimin will you be my boyfriend?"

It was at that point that both Taehyung, jin and Jimin died of shock.

"Wait- for real?" Jimin gasped in awe. "You want to date? I thought you were trying to understand the whole possible bisexuality thing?"

Jungkook laughed at Jimin's confusion. "I like you, and I know you like me. It makes sense that we date."

"Oh my god, yes!" Jimin gushed, flinging himself into jungkook's arms. "I've wanted this for years- oh my god!"

Jungkook grinned as he wrapped his arms around the older boy. Jimin could hardly believe his luck and found it hard to fend off the happy tears that brimmed in his eyes.

"Aren't they the cutest?" Jin whispered to Taehyung, who was still staring at the display in awe.

Taehyung nodded absently until a thought struck him.

"Jin, You owe me money!"

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