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Hi I hate this chapter

This is p much a filler to break it up before an upcoming event in the story lmao pls don't hate me for its shittyness

[ not edited ]

Taehyung was up bright and early the next morning, shaking Hoseok awake and urging him to get up so they could go shopping already.

"How are your legs?" Hoseok yawned, still half asleep as he threw his arm around Taehyung, nestling his face into the crook of the younger's neck.

"I haven't tried to walk yet but my ass is pretty sore." Taehyung complained, blushing as he recalled last nights activities.

"I don't know what I can do about that." Hoseok laughed, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and standing up before pulling on a pair of underwear. He then offered his hand to Taehyung. "Come on, let's test the legs."

Taehyung placed his hand in Hoseok's before hesitantly pulling himself off the bed.

"Oh! It's actually much better than I thought it would b-" Taehyung was cut off by a groan that left his lips as he attempted to walk. Pain shot up his thighs with every movement of his legs and he winced as he felt the muscle burn. "Oh my gosh, I'm so unfit, I rode you for like fifteen minutes and it feels like I ran a marathon... Maybe I should do leg day so I can ride you for longer without absolutely ruining my legs."

"Maybe we shouldn't go out today," Hoseok began worriedly, concerned by the pained expression on the younger's face. "We can stay here for the day and I'll look after you-"

"No!" Taehyung huffed, stretching his legs out and ignoring the prominent pain. "I want to go shopping."

"Taehyung, your legs are sore, it would be mean to make you walk around the mall like this." Hoseok pointed out, rubbing the younger's back soothingly.

"But daddy~" Taehyung whined, knowing that the pet name would soften the older boy. "I really want to go."

"Are you sure?" Hoseok asked, smiling as Taehyung pouted childishly.

"Yes I'm sure daddy." Taehyung replied. "Can we please go?"

"Okay, fine." Hoseok sighed, causing Taehyung to throw is arms around his neck in a little victory hug. "You know, maybe if you were fitter you'd be able to ride me for more than five minutes without ruining your thighs. Maybe do some squats every once in a while, babe."

"Yay~ thanks daddy!" He cheered, ignoring Hoseok's jab about his subpar physical fitness before pulling away from the Raven haired man. "I have to shower before we go though."

Hoseok nodded, showing Taehyung to the guest bathroom.

"You're welcome to join me." Taehyung smirked suggestively, causing Hoseok to roll his eyes.

"You're unbelievable." Hoseok chuckled, shaking his head as he made his way to his own bathroom to shower alone.


After both of them were showered and dressed, Hoseok made a little breakfast for them which they ate before leaving for the shopping mall.

Taehyung, being the cheapskate he is, had never been to a mall outside of town so he was pretty excited to see where they were going.

He was pretty surprised to see that Hoseok had taken him to The Hyundai shopping centre, which delighted him as he knew that there were a cluster of luxury stores in the middle of the mall.

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