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How the absolute fucketh is this fic at 40k?????? Thanks to all my regular readers ily, you guys are what make me actually want to update and thanks for being patient when those updates take a while 😘

Taehyung was bounding down the stairs, a €2,000 bag swinging off his shoulder, when he heard Hoseok calling him from the kitchen.

He was just on his way out the door, but he was going to stop in to bid his lover farewell before he went.

"Taehyung?" He heard Hoseok call. "Come here for a sec!"

"Okay!" Taehyung sang back, waltzing his way into the kitchen where Hoseok was rooting in the fridge.

"Do you want to help me cook? We haven't spent much time together lately and-" Hoseok asked before turning around to see Taehyung, shoes and coat on, ready to go out the door. His smile faded to a frown as he realised that Taehyung was spending the day elsewhere again. "Oh.. you're going out?"

"Yeah, I promised Jin I'd do something with him." Taehyung explained nonchalantly.

"Weren't you with him yesterday?" Hoseok asked. "And for like.. most of the last week and a half?"

"Yeah, there's this thing we're doing now." Taehyung shrugged. "You'll find out about it soon enough. I've gotta run now, so don't make dinner for me, I'll sort myself out."

"Okay." Hoseok said in a small voice, hoping he didn't appear too disheartened. "Bye then. Tell Namjoon I said hey."

"Will do! See you later!" Taehyung chirped, turning to leave the kitchen before closing the door behind him.

He walked out the front door and down the steps to his car that was parked in the driveway, and so he was on his merry way to Jin and Namjoon's house.

Soon enough, he was at Jin's front door and the cheery brunette was there to greet him.

He'd been spending a lot of time with Jin over the last week, almost every day, in fact, but there was good reason for it: Jin was teaching Taehyung how to make a perfect cake to surprise Hoseok for his birthday.

"So, do you wanna get baking straight away?" Jin asked excitedly, glad he could share his love for all things kitchen related with someone.

"Yeah, Hoseok seemed a bit off when I was leaving so I want to be back sooner than later." Taehyung nodded, following Jin into the kitchen.

"Alright, we'll just make one or two today." Jin nodded.

"By the way- Where's namjoon?"  Taehyung questioned as he set his things down on the counter.

"He's around here somewhere." Jin noted. "Probably upstairs somewhere, why?"

"Hoseok asked me to say hi to him." Taehyung said simply.

Jin rolled his eyes. "We don't have time to say hi, you need to bake."

"Yeah yeah." Taehyung groaned exasperatedly.

"I can't believe it's taking this long for you to make a single good cake." Jin said, almost in awe at how Taehyung managed to mess something up each time.

"I have literally never baked anything before in my life." Taehyung huffed as he put on one of Jin's aprons to protect his comme des garçons jumper. "The closest I've come to baking is watching great British bake off."

"It's not even that hard." Jin tutted, pulling out bowls and ingredients for Taehyung to get started.

"Yes it is!" Taehyung defended. "Hoseok usually cooks everything for me, and if I want cakes I just buy them- why would I never need to bake, it's way too much effort!"

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