Thirty Eight

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"Taehyung, why do I have to wear a tie?!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as Hoseok whinged at him over his choice of outfit.

"Because you look hot in a shirt and tie." Taehyung said simply, looking up to see Hoseok standing with the dress shirt and tie that Taehyung had picked out for him ever so kindly.

"But a tie is so formal I'm going to look like an idiot." Hoseok whined childishly. "Can't I just wear what i normally wear?"

"No, honey, you can't." Taehyung informed him.

"Why not?" Hoseok cried- for someone who was so eager to have Taehyung choose his outfit, he was making a huge deal out of wanting to choose his own.

"Because, hobi, you dress like an acid trip." Taehyung said bluntly. "And I love that about you, but not tonight."

"You have some nerve calling out my fashion sense when you used to dress like the twinky-est twink in the world when we first met." Hoseok huffed.

Taehyung glowered at him angrily for his comment, and Hoseok's annoyed expression quickly faded to a sheepish one.

"Sorry." Hoseok apologised for his outburst. "But you kinda did dress a little twinky."

"Put on the shirt." Taehyung growled sternly. "And the tie. Or you're definitely sleeping on the couch tonight."

"Fine." Hoseok sighed in annoyance, that was the second time that day that he was threatened with the couch, so he decided to just give in rather than provoking the younger further.

He stomped childishly into the wardrobe to dress himself, leaving Taehyung free to put the final touches on his own outfit.

Hoseok resurfaced a few moments later, his mouth turned down in a grumpy pout that Taehyung knew all too well.

"I feel like I'm going to work." Hoseok grumbled. "And I look like I'm going to someone's wedding."

"No, you look handsome." Taehyung countered, getting up to fix his collar and straighten his tie.

"Can we lose the tie?" Hoseok requested. "It looks stupid."

"What's wrong with the tie?" Taehyung sighed. "I'm wearing a tie- You wore a shirt and tie to our first date."

"Because I wanted to impress you, and namjoon said it would look good." Hoseok informed him.

"You said I could pick your outfit." Taehyung whinged. "Now you're undoing all my hard work."

"But if I wear a tie too it'll take away from your outfit." Hoseok said, trying to sweeten Taehyung up. "And you look way too pretty for me to steal the limelight."

Taehyung smiled, seeing right through Hoseok's tactic, but nevertheless he debated for a moment before moving to undo Hoseok's tie.

"Alright, no tie." Taehyung allowed. "But put on a blazer instead."

"Deal." Hoseok grinned, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt as he retreated back to the wardrobe to pick out a blazer.

After Hoseok was dressed in an outfit they both agreed on, and Taehyung had forced some flashy accessories onto him, they were finally ready to hit the road.

"I can't believe they're only moving in together now." Taehyung mused idly as Hoseok drove them to Jin's humble abode. "Kinda weird, huh?"

"Yeah, well, we moved in together after like, six months, which is kinda weird too." Hoseok laughed. "And if we're gonna be technical about it then you could say that we moved in together the day we started officially dating."

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