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"So, spill."

Taehyung was curled up on the couch under a blanket with Jin, who was painting his nails pink as they ate pizza (a combination that made Taehyung extremely uncomfortable), a random drama playing on the tv in the background.

"Jin, you're going to end up eating nail polish if you don't be careful." He pointed out as Jin shovelled pizza into his mouth in between painting each nail.

"Stop avoiding the question!" Jin barked, giving Taehyung a look that meant business.

"Okay, okay!" Taehyung surrendered. "But first I have a question for you."

"Go ahead." Jin allowed, absentmindedly coating his pinkie fingernail in a pretty baby pink.

"Do you think Jimin and Jungkook would be mad if they knew that we hang out without them all the time?"

Jin let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "Taehyung stop changing the subject! And they're dating now, they'd probably rather have time alone."

Taehyung nodded. "Okay another question..."

"Fine but this time you're telling me everything straight away when I've answer-"

"Are you and Namjoon in... love?"

The question came as a shock to Jin, and he sent nail polish streaking down his finger as his head snapped up to face Taehyung.

"Where did that come from?" He spluttered. "Do you think you're in love?"

"Just- do you love him or not?" Taehyung asked again, trying to play it cool as he grabbed another slice of pizza from the open box on the coffee table.

"Well yeah, I love Namjoon and he loves me." Jin replied, still a bit flustered at the sudden question. "But it took me almost a year to know I loved him for real whereas he told me he loved me a few months in."

"But you're not really dating, are you? He's just your sugar daddy."

"We decided to make things more serious after I told him I loved him too, so we've been dating officially for a few months now." Jin explained. "Why are you asking all of a sudden?"

"I think I'm feeling things that I'm not meant to be feeling." Taehyung admitted nervously.

"What do you mean? Don't you like Hoseok anymore?" The drama on the tv was long forgotten as Jin leaned in eagerly, awaiting the younger boy's response.

"No, no! It's not that it's just, I think... I like him more than I should." Taehyung sighed, pouting as he chewed on his pizza defeatedly.

"Explain." Jin prompted, looking at him expectantly. "Does this have something to do with what you said earlier- you know, you said something happened yesterday that bothers you?"

"Yeah, yesterday made me think about it more but I don't know, it's been on my mind recently."

"So, what exactly happened yesterday?"

Taehyung hesitated. "This is really embarrassing so you have to promise not to judge me or anything..."

"Of course." Jin nodded.

Taehyung took a deep breath before starting. "So, as you can tell from the hickeys; we had sex last night, only he bought me new handcuffs and we tried them out and it was really sexy and he was amazing."

Jin grimaced at the imagery but quickly returned to a neutral expression when Taehyung frowned at him.

"...and anyway, I was a bit of a mess because... Hoseok definitely knows what he's doing in bed, but after we finished I just wanted him to cuddle me and tell me... well, that he cares about me and stuff, but he wanted to go clean me off like we always do after- Which should have been okay because that's what we always do, but he didn't undo the handcuffs and I just panicked I guess.."

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