Thirty two

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A really very short filler bc I have writers block surrounding this story and I only wanna write other stories rn :/ idk why because I prolly won't publish any of them

Also^^^ I just wanna say that Hoseok is hands down the most attractive man on the planet 😌 I don't make the rules sorry
Also also look at those arms^ damn.
Taehyung was pacing back and forth, glancing at the two outfits he had laid out on the bed.

It was Wednesday night; which meant their very first date night, and Taehyung just couldn't decide on what to wear.

On one hand, he could wear one of the many designer shirts Hoseok had bought him; in this case he had selected a crisp white shirt that had a red and black snake spiralling around the collar. On the other hand, he could air on the more casual side with a turtle neck.

He glanced at the digital clock on Hoseok's nightstand which told him that it was just gone six o' clock- giving him just under thirty minutes to be ready for the date.

After much debate, he finally settled on the classic option of the shirt with a pair of black pants and he quickly got dressed before he slipped his feet into a pair of fur mules.

Once the ordeal of his outfit was sorted, he sat himself down at his vanity, combing his hair gently and slathering clear vaseline over his lips to make himself as pretty as possible for Hoseok. He decided to add a splash of his favourite cologne to his neck, he knew Hoseok loved the scent.

He didn't know why he felt butterflies in his tummy- he'd been with Hoseok for almost a year by then, and it certainly wasn't even close to their first date. But something about the thought of Hoseok taking him out had him swooning.

Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, he smiled, happy with the end result. He knew Hoseok would think he was beautiful even if he turned up with ratty hair and a dirty sweatshirt, but he always liked to put in that little bit of extra effort to look nice for his boyfriend.

He peered over at the clock again, this time it read 18:24- Hoseok would be there any minute.

As if on cue, Taehyung's phone started to buzz on the nightstand and he hurried over to it. Of course, it was Hoseok calling and Taehyung answered without hesitation.

"Hey." He cooed down the phone, a smile twisting his lips as he awaited his boyfriend's reply.

"Hey sweetheart." Hoseok said cheerily. "I just pulled up outside, are you ready to go now? Or will I come in to wait while you beautify yourself?"

"I'm ready now!" Taehyung informed him proudly, happy that he'd managed to be ready on time for one thing in his life.

"Alright." Hoseok beamed. "Come outside then, and we can get going. I don't want to be late for our reservation."

"Okay~" Taehyung said happily. "See you in a bit."

With that he hung up, shoving his phone into his pants pocket before shrugging on his coat, adding a scarf for good measure since it was fairly cold out- they were transitioning into winter after all.

He practically skipped down the stairs in his excitement, flinging open the front door and swinging it shut behind him, making quick work of locking it up before he pranced over to Hoseok's car.

He was engulfed by warm air as soon as he sat into the car, which was a nice change from the crisp winter air outside.

"Hey!" He grinned at his boyfriend.

"Hey." Hoseok smiled warmly in return as he looked Taehyung over. "You look beautiful."

"Oh-! Thank you!" Taehyung flushed pink as Hoseok's remark caught him off guard. "You look very handsome- as always."

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