Fifty One

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Coming home from gwangju was a harsh reality check for the two boys; it was like coming down from a high. Instead of being pampered and waited on by Hoseok's mother, they were back to eating junk food and doing their own chores.

Hoseok was back in hell, known to others as his workplace, and Taehyung was back to struggling his way through university.

It wasn't all bad, though, because Taehyung was still feeling a wonderful sense of closeness to his boyfriend after hearing the way that Hoseok spoke to his mother about him. He felt like he was in a fairytale; he'd often catch himself staring at Hoseok and imagining their future, wondering how Hoseok would look on their wedding day. He got butterflies every time the thought crossed his mind.

He found himself planning more activities for the two of them to try and keep that feeling of magic alive for as long as he could; he'd meet Hoseok for lunch between lectures, he'd buy cute little craft kits for them to do together in the evenings, and he always had something planned for the weekend.

Hoseok certainly wasn't complaining, in fact, he was beginning to wonder just what he'd done to deserve the sudden influx of effort on Taehyung's behalf. He was enjoying all of the quality time he was spending with Taehyung, and it made him happy to see that Taehyung was so invested in planning things for them to do together.

Today was no exception, and Hoseok was having a lot of fun teasing the life out of Taehyung as their tried their hand at a new hobby.

"Taehyung that's way too much flour!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as Hoseok screeched at him to stop sieving the flour. He had no intentions of following Hoseok's orders, he'd add as much flour as he liked.

"No it's not, the recipe said that this was the amount of flour needed, idiot." Taehyung said, sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend. "I trust it more than you."

It was his idea that they bake together, he thought it'd be a cute way for them to spend time together rather than sitting on the couch watching TV and moaning about their days and the people they disliked. And to be fair, it was cute at first, until the bickering started.

Hoseok wasn't taking the baking very seriously, rather he was swanning around the kitchen shovelling sprinkles into his mouth because he 'liked the way they crunched' as he criticised everything Taehyung did.

"It's gonna be so dry." Hoseok tutted, biting back a smirk as Taehyung glowered at him.

"Is there anything you don't have a problem with?" Taehyung asked rhetorically.

"Just think of me as Paul Hollywood." Hoseok mused as he perched himself on the counter, the sprinkles container still in hand as he shovelled fistfuls of the colourful delights into his mouth. "If you fuck this up I'm going to tell you it's disgusting and you'll cry on national tv."

"It's so nice to know that you want to make your boyfriend cry. You're supposed to be helping me, not judging me, you dick." Taehyung barked as he added the rest of the dry ingredients.

"I am helping." Hoseok said simply. "I'm pointing out where you can do better. It builds character- it'll make you a better baker in the long run."

"I actually hate you." Taehyung groaned, tossing the wet ingredients into the bowl haphazardly, he didn't really give a shit about the cupcakes at this stage since Hoseok was annoying him.

"Not what you said last night." Hoseok mumbled under his breath, giggling at his own remark afterwards.

"I'd literally rather fuck Paul Hollywood than you." Taehyung said pointedly, knowing that Hoseok would hate it.

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