Fifty Eight

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Taehyung had never felt so out of place in his life.

Hoseok had called him that morning, panicked because of the file he had left on his desk at home- a file that was absolutely essential for an important meeting he had scheduled that evening. Taehyung of course, never being one to pass up an opportunity to spend time with his boyfriend, was more than happy to bring the file to Hoseok in his office.

Which led to him standing awkwardly in reception as he waited for the receptionist to give him the time of day.

"Hello," Taehyung smiled once she finally acknowledged him. "I'm here to see Hoseok, can you point me in the direction of his office?"

"Are you scheduled for a meeting with him?" She drawled.

"He asked me to bring him this-"

"So, you don't have a meeting scheduled?" She clarified.

"Well, no, but-" Taehyung started before cut him off again.

"I'm sorry but you do need an appointment in order to meet with Mr. Jung." She quipped, all pursed lips and judging eyes.

"Believe me, honey, I don't need an 'appointment' to see him." Taehyung sighed exasperatedly. "I'm his boyfriend, and he asked me to bring him this file, which he left at home, in our house that we live in together, because he is my boyfriend."

"His boyfriend?" She scoffed derisively, eyeing him up and down. "I don't think he would date the likes of you."

"What does that even mean?! And what does it matter to you who he dates?!" Taehyung crowed, finding the situation to be absolutely ridiculous. "Look- I don't even care, I just need to get this file to Hoseok, so if you could please just point me in the right direction, then you can get back to staring at your manicure or whatever it is that you do."

"I can take the file and pass it on for you." She offered.

"No, I want to see him, it's literally lunch time, I know he's not busy, and I brought him some food, so I'm going to go see him."

"I can't allow that." The receptionist insisted, smiling falsely at him.

"Call him then, he'll tell you I'm his boyfriend." Taehyung demanded; he was getting more bothered than he cared to admit. "Call him."

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The smile on her face as she spoke down at Taehyung made him want to commit terrible crimes.

Taehyung took a deep breath; he had half a mind to smack the rude woman across the face with the file and dart for the elevator while she was still in a daze. He doubted that Hoseok would be impressed if he got arrested for aggravated assault, so he had to exercise his limited self control to handle the situation with poise.

"You know what? Fine." Taehyung snapped in annoyance. "Fucking fine."

Taehyung backed away from the reception desk, loathing the smug smile on the demon receptionist's face as he pulled out his phone and spammed Hoseok with texts explaining his dilemma using some colourful language. He made sure to explicitly express his desire for Hoseok to fire his receptionist at his earliest convenience.

After receiving no response in the three minutes he waited, he opted to call his boyfriend.

"Hoseok, this is a nightmare!" Taehyung sighed as soon as Hoseok answered the phone, not even giving Hoseok a chance to greet him.

"What's a nightmare?" Hoseok questioned confusedly. "Can't you find the file? I told you it's in the de-"

"This bitc- mean lady won't let me see you!" Taehyung screeched through the phone and Hoseok had to move the device away from his ear so he wouldn't go deaf. "I've been here for at least ten minutes now and she refuses to let me see you!"

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