
2.5K 73 28

(I realise that I've never actually established everyone's age because it's not their usual ages duh so here^^ I'll probs put this at the start of the fic too oops)

Also 18k?!?! This is so cool wth in January I thought I had so many views with 5k 😭😭

so this is the worst smut I've ever written and idk wtf it is okay thanks feel free to call the police on it if you feel it's necessary.

Also psa imma change Hoseok's profession to accountant because I grew up in an accountancy firm yee

Hoseok had been restless ever since Jimin and Yoongi had left. All he could focus on was the promise Taehyung had made him and the only thing he wanted to do was get Taehyung into bed.

"Can we go to bed now?" He asked impatiently for the hundredth time, poking Taehyung repeatedly.

Taehyung looked up from his laptop from his place sprawled across the couch and gave Hoseok a knowing glance.

"Hoseok, it's ten o clock." He pointed out. "We don't usually go to bed for another hour at least."

"But I wanna go to bed!" Hoseok whined childishly. "I really really wanna go to bed tae!"

"Hoseok, I know what you want," Taehyung said lazily as he browsed around online for a new backpack for college. "And it's not to go to sleep."

"Can you blame me?" Hoseok excused himself. "How can you say something like 'oh Hoseok, you can do a-ny-thing you want to me tonight' and then expect me to wait until all hours of the night?!"

"I'm busy right now," Taehyung informed him, choosing to ignore the high pitched voice Hoseok had put on to imitate him. "I'm trying to find a cute backpack for college since I broke the zip on mine."

"Fine." Hoseok grumbled, leaning back into the couch in defeat. "Although I don't know why that's your main concern since you've just caused a huge domestic between Jimin and his boyfriend."

"They'll be fine." Taehyung assured him. "Jimin spent too long pining over Jungkook to let anything tear them apart, Jungkook just needs to get his shit together. Besides they've just gotten together, they're hardly going to break up now."

"If you say so." Hoseok shrugged. "But for the record, if you ever feel like I don't give you enough attention can you please just say it instead of going around the house about it like you did for Jimin?"

"Sure." Taehyung agreed. "But that's not gonna be a problem because, if anything, you give me too much attention."

"Is that a bad thing?" Hoseok questioned worriedly.

"No, I love attention." Taehyung said happily. "Especially your attention."

"Good to know." Hoseok mused, threading his fingers through Taehyung's soft locks mindlessly. "Find any backpacks you like yet?"

"Maybe." Taehyung said smugly, moving the laptop onto Hoseok's lap and staring up at him expectantly.

"Moschino, baby, really?" He asked, cringing at the hefty price tag on the fluffy, brown teddy bear backpack. "How many books can this even hold, two?"

"If you buy it for me then we can go to bed straight after..." Taehyung said suggestively, smiling innocently up at Hoseok.

Hoseok didn't have to think about it for long. "Let me get my card."

"That's okay," Taehyung beamed smugly. "I know the details by heart."

He pulled the laptop back to himself before typing out Hoseok's card details cheerily.

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