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When Hoseok said surprise, Taehyung wasn't expecting this.

He'd arrived at the raven haired's house an hour early, excited to finally revive his surprise. He'd even gone and bought the classiest choker he could find to suit the occasion and please the older man. Thoughts of his shiny new MacBook (bought by Hoseok of course) sitting on his desk at home prompted him to think that his next reward would be every bit as luxurious as the last.

Oh boy, was he wrong.

After a quick make out session in the hall, Taehyung was handed a slender box and pushed forcefully towards the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, the two were sitting in the car. Taehyung's cheeks were flushed a dark shade of red as he squirmed in the passenger seat. The drive to the restaurant was short, but it seemed to continue infinitely for Taehyung as the car was engulfed with silence, the only noise to be heard was his own breath which came out more like pants. 

After an eternity, Hoseok finally pulled his sleek, shiny BMW into a space conveniently close to the restaurant door. The older man got out and rushed to the other side of the car to open the door for Taehyung, who had to clutch onto Hoseok's arm to steady himself as he stood on slightly shaky legs.

"Remember baby, don't let them know," Hoseok began, leading the younger towards the entrance to the restaurant. "You're doing so good already. If you make it through the whole dinner without the others finding out, I'll give you a real reward, how does that sound?"

Taehyung's eyes lit up at the mention of a reward. "I'll be good daddy! They won't suspect a thing."

"Baby boy, you can't call me that in public," Hoseok spoke softly, snaking an arm around the younger's waist. "You have to call me hyung when we go out okay?"

"Okay, hyung." Taehyung corrected himself. 

"Taehyung!" The duo turned to see Seokjin pulling Namjoon towards them excitedly. "You're here! I thought you'd be late seeing as you're never on time for college."

Taehyung blushed as Hoseok chuckled at jin's remark.

"It's not my fault I'm always late! My car's a piece of shit and I'm scared it will explode or something if I go over 60 kilometres an hour!" Taehyung exclaimed defensively, not wanting to seem disorganised in front of Hoseok.

"You should probably leave earlier then." Namjoon spoke from behind Jin, earning a nod from the older boy.

"Okay, I came out for a good time but I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now." Taehyung whinged and Seokjin rolled his eyes at the younger.

Their conversation was cut off when they entered the restaurant. After Namjoon confirmed that they had a reservation for four, they were led to a secluded table near the back of the restaurant much to Taehyung's delight; he doubted he would make it through the meal without a hitch, definitely not with what Hoseok has planned, and he was glad that he was safe from the prying eyes of the other people in the restaurant.

After the four were seated across from their respective partners they were each handed a menu and everything seemed to be going well as they made idle small talk while they scanned the menu- a little too well for Taehyung's liking.

"Oh look Joonie! They have lobster~" Jin exclaimed practically diving across the table to point out the lobster on the younger's menu.

"Have you decided what your having?" Taehyung looked up to see the source of the velvety voice addressing him. Hoseok was gazing at Taehyung, a small smile gracing his lips as he awaited a response.

The younger was yet again taken aback by Hoseok's beauty and he struggled to get out a coherent response.

"I mean- yeah I think I'd like to have the, um- the potatoes?" Taehyung rambled fumbling for his menu which had until then remained untouched. He'd been so distracted by both the lavish restaurant and the attractive man in front of him that he didn't even look at the menu.

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