Twenty seven

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"I just think it's kind of funny that we've been together for like, what? Eight months maybe? And it only occurred to you now that you could tell your friends that I exist." Hoseok said for the nth time in a rather passive aggressive manner.

Taehyung's salty display in the cafeteria had left Jimin and Jungkook with a few questions, but one seemed to be burned into their minds above all else, and that was of course the identity of the elusive Hoseok guy that Taehyung kept rambling about without context.

"I'm a busy man, Hoseok." Taehyung sassed, their fingers intertwined as he guided Hoseok down the street to the place he had agreed on meeting his friends. Their meeting had really only one purpose; to reveal Taehyung's mysterious boyfriend. "I don't just talk about you all day."

"According to Jin, you do." Hoseok snorted with an eye roll thrown in for good measure.

"Jin knows nothing," Taehyung huffed. "All he talks about is cooking and his little flying squirrel pets."

"You mean sugar gliders?" Hoseok snickered.


"Sugar gliders." Hoseok repeated.

"No I'm talking about Jin's pets." Taehyung retorted confusedly.

"You know what? Forget it." Hoseok laughed.

"Anyway my point is that none of it matters because you're finally going to meet my friends!" Taehyung crowed with over the top excitement before adding in a rather rushed manner; "Also I think Yoongi is coming so don't freak out."

"Taehyung you didn't." Hoseok groaned, giving Taehyung a disappointed glare as they came to a halt at a crosswalk.

"Maybe I kinda did.." Taehyung admitted sheepishly as he strategically busied himself with pressing the button to cross a hundred odd times. "I just feel bad for him because he's like a charity case now so Jimin wants to include him in everything."

"You didn't think to maybe, I don't know, check if that was okay with me?" Hoseok scowled.

"I'm sorry, Seok." Taehyung pouted, giving Hoseok his best puppy eyes in a desperate appeal for forgiveness. "I love you~"

Hoseok sighed in annoyance before giving in.

"I love you too, but don't expect me to be nice to Yoongi." Hoseok grumbled, starting to storm across the road once the little man turned green so that Taehyung was being dragged along by the hand as he scrambled to keep up. "Because I don't like him."

"Of course." Taehyung allowed, even though he knew full well that Hoseok didn't have it in him to be mean to anyone, Yoongi included. "And if it makes you feel better Namjoon is going to be there so you'll have a little friend to talk to."

"You say that like I'm a kid going to a birthday party or something." Hoseok huffed.

"Just incase you're nervous or anything." Taehyung panted as he struggled to match Hoseok's long strides. "But apparently Jin told everyone about Namjoon already so— why are we walking so fast? I'm wearing Gucci slides, I'm not supposed to be running a marathon."

"Because somebody decided to have a little sleep in for himself and now we're running very late. Maybe if you were up sooner we would have gotten parking closer to the cafe and you wouldn't have to walk so far." Hoseok pointed out. "I swear sometimes it's like you're glued to the pillow, I mean, at this point I might have to stage an intervention for how much you love sleeping."

"Oh my god- Hoseok look!" Taehyung, who was clearly not listening to Hoseok's little rant, gasped, pointing to a dog that was tied to a railing, presumably waiting for his owner to return. "A dog! Oh my god- it's so cute! Look Hoseok! Oh, it's so precious!"

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