Evil of Pandemic

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Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick.... tock...


"Yes dear?"

"What does this even change...." Yoongi munching on his hashbites while watching tv shows in their sofa

Jimin publish a book. Got his dream come through together with Yoongi on his side. Happily living in the city. A well known unknown author. Does that male sense?

A well known unknown author?

Yes. That's correct. Jimin was able to publish one book that became really popular and was well know all over the globe.

But Jimin and his identity? No one knows.

Taehyung did a great job in keeping Jimin's identity a secret. Even the people who worked with them liked the idea, reason it was pulled off easy.

Yes. Ofcourse there are people who got curious who is this Hanahaki pen name of an Author is. But as much as people dig into it... no one got close.

Year passed and unfortunately a global pandemic began. A shocker yes. (YES BECAUSE ITS PANDEMIC RIGHT NOW I DECIDED TO WRITE ONE COZ WHY NOT)

Yoongi and Jimin living their lives normally in the city. Then suddenly they can't go out, no nothing.

It's like they are back at the woods. They don't go out, they just... inside. As if back at Yoongi's safe bubble.

"I wanna snac"

"Snack? But we just ate. And you're still eating, what do you mean you want a snack?" Jimin said as he point out what Yoongi is doing right. Watching while eating a snack.

" I mean a snac. C'mere"

And Yes... Yoongi is living the best of his life. Making out with the love of his life, Jimin.

The city was great but too bad that it didn't last as much as Yoongi wants. He practically geared himself up to live in the city forever. It took so much of him to make the decision. What did he didn't knew was that Jimin was also thinking about him. About them.

And that was love. It goes both ways. Jimin just had to deal with the aftermath of having a popular book and then they're gonna back in their hometown. As much as Jimin love to achieve his dream, what else can he ask for if he have Yoongi.

It felt like home. And it was very pleasing and satisfying.

But now it's time go back. To where they really belong.

"Are you done? Like really done?"

"Yes I am. Just finishing this last statement Yoongs"

"Hurry! I want cuddles!"

"On my waay!"


Hanahaki no more

Dearest readers. It was just a dream for me to publish such art and I had struggled in contemplating this decision. Me and my love. I am glad we decided to pursue in publishing this and I thank you all in accepting and appreciated my pieces. Oh... pieces? Yes. Pieces. I published One book yes. But I know that you all already know that it had different endings. I saw your tumblrs. I hope you all enjoyed conversing with each other about the different endings of my book! Have fun with all of those 10 endings! I've pour out my passion in this book as I will not release anymore of my story. I will now live a life away from the city and enjoy the rest of my life with the people who matters most in me. Thank you and I wish you all well.

Signing off,

"So this is what your farewell is like to your readers huh." Yoongi said as he kept on olaying on Jiminh's hair.

"Yeeeps. I'm pretty sure they had fun figuring out all about those 9 endings."

"Baby you said it was ten."

"Oh yes, I said ten. And I said figuring out" jimin winked at Yoongi. Yoongi does not follow.

"Awee honey, I made a book with 9 endings! I said 10 to the readers to keep them on looking for the unknown one!"

Yoongi realizing what his boyfriend had done... eues grew big, smiled and just shook his head.

"You little motherfucker, that was evil!"

"It was! And you love meee"

Jimin said laughing as he kissed Yoongi. Now back at their home in their hometown.


Author's Note: Hello, it's been years :3 I missed this book! 😊 I hope you all are okay and safe. Things had been rough through this pandemic and I wish you all the very best! I hope that this book brought you somewhat joy in the little chapters this baby of mine had. All the love!

Yours truly,
The Author :)

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