2. Snake bite

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I woke up in the loud sound of someone singing. No, someone who is trying to rap and getting hyped up way too much.

I bet it's taehyung.


"You're alive!" He screamed without letting me finish my sentence. This man is to hyped up with rap songs. I looked around. Seeing that the sun was at it's highest peek, I bet it must be noon. Yoongi was not around.

"Have you seen-"

"Who? Ohh!! Your pale friend? Mogli?" Taehyung scratch his head as he tries to remember Yoongi's name. "I forgot his name but it's the pale person who does not like me coz I'm too noisy."

I smiled at him. Yeah, I actually don't like taehyung at first because he is too noisy for my liking. He's definitely the opposite of me. I only go full loco when I know your a good friend.

"You know, you and your friend had a lot in common. I bet if I hang around with him, he'll go full loco with me too." taehyung said as he eats some candy. yeah. Yoongi is quite reserved but he also have his childish side too. He just wants to act cool.

"So where is he? Where is Yoongi?" I asked taehyung who is now sitting in a chair finally done hyping up with rap songs.

"He went home. he said" He stood up once again and imitate Yoongi.

"I don't like sun. It will ruin my skin." he then head near the door, look back and said "Tell Jimin to call me when he wakes up."

He opened the door and was about to leave but said something once more. "And you're pretty noisy."

I laughed at this. That was definitely Yoongi. Taehyung continued to complain at me about this friend of mine but obviously, he just wants to be friends with him too.

Taehyung was called by the doctor outside so I decided to call Yoongi.


"How's your foot?" his voice is so cold but at the same time it feels like he is putting you to a deep slumber.

"It's fine I guess. You said It's not venomous soo..."

"Yeah... I need to take care of some things for the mean time. Is your friend still there?" I can hear papers being fliped in the other line. Is he doing some paperworks?

"yes, Taehyung is still here. You don't have to worry about me."

"I'll be there around 7 in the evening. Take care Jimin." He said and I bid my goodbye too and hang up the phone.

"Jimin..." Ohh.. So taehyung was already here? I didn't noticed.

"What? Something wrong?" His faces looks pale. What is wrong? "Not venomous?" He asked me as if he saw a ghost.

"Well.. Yoongi said it's not ve-"

"You got bitten by a Cobra you dumbhead! Did you even saw the snake that bit you?!" WHAT?

I dropped my phone in my bed recalling what happened. Damn, I'll never pee in the out anymore.

"I bet that Mogli guy said it's not venomous just to calm you down." He started shaking his head indicating as if I was a kid who panicked real hard and did not listen to Yoongi at that time...


I looked at him quite pissed cos he was right and he smiled back.

"Well, the doctor said you are fine! They found a really small amount of venom and was wondering what actually happened but since you are alright, you can actually go home!" He said and throws the flower's petal that he brought in the air.

I texted Yoongi about the news and he just said that he'll visit later in my house. Well, atleast he's gonna go out of that house.

Taehyung escorted me home. My feet still hurts to the point I can't walk properly.

He bid his goodbye and suddenly said "That Mogli guy is a good friend. I still can't believe he suck out the venom. Take care! I'm out!"

And with that, taehyung dashed outside and drove away.

What would I do without Yoongi. I asked myself as I sip to my tea and waited for him to come.


BITE // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now