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Petals and flowers in his hands, yoongi knelt at his house.

It's been almost half a day and he stopped coughing flowers. His heart beating fast, he knows what it mean. However, he doesn't want to assume that some things are already fine and resolved unless proven.

His throat doesn't feel itchy anymore. Everything seems back to normal.

Jimin... I need to see Jimin. Yoongi kept on chanting on his mind as he gather the remaining petals and flowers from his past situation.

The flowers are a real beauty. It scary to think how beautiful they are yet, it caused them so much pain.

As he was lost in his thoughts, the door slammed open. It was Jimin, glistening in sweat as he pant. It looked like he rushed back home just to see Yoongi.

They both stared at each other. Gulping, nervous that they might be wrong. Nervous that Taehyung and Taemin may be wrong with all of this "yoongi stopped coughing flowers" they stared intently afraid of what they should do next. Time seems to be at halt and no one wants to move. However...

Jimin cried.

As the young one started to be a crying mess, Yoongi left the petals and flowers abandoned on the floor as he embrace his beloved in his arms.

Both of them didn't knew Vampires can be this warm.

It felt like home.

"Yoongi I love you so much it hurts. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry I was not able to see that something is wrong, I'm sorry I let my guard down I'm so-

Jimin was rambling as he kept on crying. Yoongi sush him softly as he pat Jimin's head. Telling him that it wasn't his fault. That he also let his guard to wonho, that he didn't see this coming.

Now Yoongi is crying too. But he doesn't want Jimin to see it so he decided to hug him longer.

After both of them have calmed down, they took deep breathes before staring at each other once again.

Jimin decided it's a good thing not to tell anything as even him didn't quite understand the full reason of what happened to them. All he knew was that:

Yoongi's hanahaki is a spell and not a disease.
The spell was engraved in Yoongi's gift reason why Taehyung destroyed it. To break the spell.

"Yoongi hyung... all of my words... all those I love you are true. I love you so much. I will never lie about such an obvious thing." Jimin said as they are now in the couch, his head on Yoongi's shoulder and Yoongi's arm on Jimin's waist.

Yoongi took a deep breathe.

"I actually thought you don't love me and you just don't want to lose your so called bestfriend, reason why you accept being my lover." He said and Jimin hugged him more.

"Hyung..." Jimin satred in the elder's eye intently.

"I love you and I mean it. Have a little self confidence please and trust me." Jimin said as he made his way to Yoongi's lap.

"How can a fairy fall inlove with me. You're an actual angel and I'm just... I'm just a Yoongi."

"A vampire yoongi whom I loved since forever that I didn't even notice as I took your presence for granted." Jimin said as he guided Yoongi's hands to his ass. Yoongi gulped at what Jimin is trying to do.

Their face are so close. Way too close to avaiod any skinship. Their nose bumping inti each other left both of their mouths open. Waiting for that one critical motion where they'll loose all sanity and make out at the couch.

Unfortunately Hoseok is a cock blocker and decided to cough. He wad standing near the staircase. Yoongi groaned ad he squeezed Jimin's butt which made Jimin let out a soft moan. He immediately cupped his face to hide.

"I'm sorry Min. I'm really happy about all this but... we still have war to fight."

Hoseok said with dead eyes. Who would not have one? He just found out Khun died. The kid was adorable and likes him. What Hoseok hates is that they had a not so good last goodbyes. He's gonna be out there for revenge to his favorite kid Khun.

"Can I borrow the sharpest kodachii?" Jungkook said who was now sitting in the kitchen table.

"I got some stabbing to do. An eye for an eye."

A.N: hello! I'm sorry I was not able to update for 2 weeks. Things happened. One of my friend died, exhibits and gathering happened. I wish you all well! :) we might have some story fillers and side stories on the next updates! 💜

Our boys are coming baaaack I am emotional

Our boys are coming baaaack I am emotional

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