First Night

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A.N: uhmm... Guys... Brace yourselves and bring holy water. My no good smut writing skills is comming. Iqlwjxhavq I'm sorry in advance.


Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi... I can't... I need you... "

A pale Jimin was sitting in my lap with needy eyes and droplets of blood in his mouth said.

"Jimi-" I was not able to finish my sentence coz Jimin pushed me in his bed and sniffed my neck which now has quite a bruise. I can feel his fangs tracing my neck. Sensation went straight to my abdomen down my crotch. I squirm at the feeling and he settled me down as he went to whisper in my ear.

"I think... I wanna have sex... " he said and as I look into his eyes, it was dead black. He drank too much blood... Maybe the pomegranates are still kicking in.

I was not able to answer. I just stared at him. When I still didn't move, Jimin decided it's a great time to roll his hips at my crotch as he let his cloth fell on his left shoulder, revealing his left chest and stomach.

"Yoongi... I'm sorry... " Jimin continue to say as he was still straddling me.

No Jimin... I'm Sorry...

I held his waist as he gasped in the contact of our skin.

Too sensitive.

I lick my lips as I look in his eyes.

Mine... All mine...

 All mine

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"Jimin.. " I said as I held his waist and help him put his weight down on me so he can fell my crotch.

Such music to my ears... All these moans I hear...

Jimin leaned in, stared in my eyes saying "Stop teasing" as he unbuckles and take off my pants.

I wanna kiss him. I wanna embrace all of him. I've been waiting for so long. I want him. Now.

I have wasted enough time so I kissed him. A peck at first but Jimin wanted more. I'm not complaining. I love this.

As our shared kisses became more intense and hot, Jimin suddenly moaned out loud making me grunt at the sound. This is turning me on so much.

"w-wet.... " was all I heard from Jimin in between our kisses. Just kissing and my precum is already oozing.

I can't wait...

I change our position,now Jimin laying down and me kissing his thighs. Leaving some bite marks as I trail down his member.

"Take me." he said in a raspy and gaspy voice which made my stomach giddy. I immediately take him in my mouth.

All these gaspy moans is making me crazy. I took him deeper as he cover his mouth.

"Omygosh. This is so darn good... Yoo... Fuck I'm... Yoo-" he let out quiet whimpers as I feel his cum shot in my mouth.

I was hard as fuck after he came. But Jimin decided it's a good thing to lay in bed stomach first, giving me a great view of his butt.

Fuck, I almost busted a nut seeing it on it's bare beauty. I aggressively touched his butt and moans was all over the room once again.

I wanna bite it.

Damn this! I accidentally slaped it coz it's so squishy and I just can't get enough of it... I saw him getting hard.

Gad fuckingdamn it Park Jimin.

"Jimin... " and with that, he nods.

I wet and insert a finger in, as he inhales due to the unnatural feeling in his ass. One became two and I started scissoring him and two became three. I want to put it in so bad.

I decided to follow what I wanna do and positioned myself to him.

He looks so cute. I wanna make love to him.

This is the person that I love for so long.

"l- lu- uhmmm... Yoongi? Uhhh... Lube?" how can he say that while looking so innocent...

I immediately point mine in his ass and he was shocked.

"I don't think we need lube if I'm this wet already. " and before he can say anything, I thrusted in him.

He immediately became a moaning mess.

"I thought this was supposed to hurt... Yoongi... Wh-yy does it feel so good! " he said as I continue to thrust deeper. Damn he is so tight It's so hard not to cum so fast.

"Jimin... You feel so good babe. Shit! "

I felt his walls clamp me down. This shit is so good! I'm gonna..

"yoongi!!! I'm gonna-" bwfore he can finish his sentence. I came and so does he. We climaxed together and collapsed in his bed... Panting real hard as everything turned dark.


A.N: Soooo... Our first uhmm smut chapter kqodixbajsonw I suck I know. But thank you for 1K reads! 🎉💕

 But thank you for 1K reads! 🎉💕

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