6. Sunburn

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Jin took me home and I was now in my bed.

"Jiminie,  are you okay? Should we get you a doctor? "

A doctor again?  I don't  wanna see a doctor again.  I just had a snake bite a few days or weeks ago.

I shook my head and close my eyes. Am I having a fever?

"Hey Jin,  I think...  I wanna rest. I'll  sleep now okay? "   I said to him as he nods and said his goodbyes.

I had the most beautiful sleep. I slept like a log and the heat of my body really helped me a lot in my slumber.

I heard my phone rang but I was too busy sleeping so I grabed it and turned it off.


I woke up at the sun rays glistening in my room.  Too bright.  I said as close my curtains. Still too bright.

I hissed at the situation I am in right now.  Why is the sun so bright today!?  I decided to change the curtains to a dimmer shade and it's now perfect!

I received a fax from Taehyung about my drafts and he was impressed  on how sappy it is. Well what can I say.  I love sappy love stories.

He also took a note in his fax that he was texting me but I didn't  answer.  Oppps,  I forgot about my phone.

I turned it on and it rang non stop.  I just sleep for quite long today and everyone is texting me?

I got a few missed calls and text from Jin,  Namjoon and Yoongi.

Ohh...  Why was he calling? Is he done hangging out with the sunshine?

I drop my phone,  not replying to anyone and decided to hit the shower

What the actual hell?

I touch my face, arms,  my abs...  What happened?

"whoa...  Look at this sunburn! " I said as my eyes continues to glisten.

I can't  believe this!  This is so cool!!

I took a bath and went to the sofa,  while I text my cousin.  Jungkook.

Well, he said he's  gonna visit me next week.  Can't  wait! He's  the only cousin I am close too but we have different personalities. Jungkook is a playboy and loves to be called daddy.

Yes,  I am kink shaming him.  He's  like...  A baby.  How can he have that kink.  Well, this is what happens when you hang out with Namjoon for a week alone.

They are friends. Coz they have the common uhmm.. Just. Eww.

I received a message  from Yoongi again asking me where am I.  But I didn't  respond.  I think...  I'm  being jealous, because of how close he is to Hoseok.

I know I am being childish but can I have this moment? He's  my bestfriend! And he didn't  even respond to my call or text.  He can't  be that demanding if he can't  even reply.

Days and a week passed and my sunburn is now gone.  I wanna be tan again. It's  really surprising how fast it was gone.  Just a day and it was gone!

My phone rang as I ate my cereal.

"wello? " I said. My mouth is still full.

"open the door midget. I'm  here. " I can already see my cousin's  smaug face.  I just rolled my eyes and open the door.

Leather pants,  back shirt, two helix piercing a black cap and a black hair.

He looks like a fuckboy.
"sup ma bro. " he greeted and entered  my house.

"you know you look like a-"

"fuckboy?  I know and I nalied it." he said as he eats my cereal.  Rude.

"so any news about you? " he asked as he pour himself another cereal.

My eyes sparkled as I start to tell the story.



A.N: let's start the vampire jimin bit by bit. :) hehehe :3

Thanks for giving this book a chance!  💜

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