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A.N: hello! We will start with fill in chapters~ I recommend rereading the rival onwards chapters back when yoongi is an idiot. 🤗🤩

"Hyungwon!!!" Jimin screeched as he saw the dude.

After the war, hyungwon and Jimin remained in contact. He is a good friend, approved by Jin.

After the war was over, Wonho was never found after he was left with hyungwon that night. Many of the demons became at peace with the mythic. No one knows what happened but all the demons said one thing. "Peace was better than Yoongi's wrath" I wonder that Yoongi did?

Jimin was chatting with hyungwon since there's no customer in the shop. It was a dead time.

It was the milktea shop that jimin holds dear.

"It's where Yoongi snapped and confessed his undying love at you." Hyungwon said as he giggles. Jimin blushed in return. Hyungwon was right.

"Come to think of it Hyungwon, the paper you gave me that time, I never saw it again." Jimin said and Hyungwon just chuckles.

"So that's why you didn't knew I was a mythic. Jimin I gave you a magic paper. It contains yoongi's real feelings that time. I was able to collect it coz i talked to him." Much to jinin dismay Hyungwon won't be able to recreate it.

He said it won't have a same feelings.

"Jimin." A voice said and Jimin was smilling like crazy.

"Hyungieee~" Jimin engulfs Yoongi in a hug.

"Huungwon and I were just talking about you!" Jimin said and yoongi stiffens.

"Talking bout what?"

"About the time we had misunderstandings about our feelings. I suddenly remembered how you cheated on me." Jimin crossed his arms and huffed. CUTE.

"When did I cheated!?" Yoongi looked so offended and Jimin lifted his hands up i. The air.

"When you had sex with a girl in you house when I was about to tell you how much I love you!!!" Jimin snapped and hyungwon laughed so hard.

"But... we're not yet together at that time jiminie! And taemin was taking you away from me and you let him! I was a lonely man! A lonely vampire!"

"So much about saying before how dedicated you are to that person whom you love since we were young aka park jimin!!" Jimin was loud and frustrated. Which just yoongi find cute but he was so tensed.

"Hey bro. I'm here to drop by the food mom told me to buy." It was a girl. Yoongi's turned at her attention.

"Thanks sis." Hyungwon said smirking at yoongi.

"Let's go jimin" yoongi said panicking.

"What? But it's still early its hot i wanna be air conditioned and-"

"Yoongi? It's you!" The girl said and Jimin's face lit up. She knew the girl. Then his face turned into a scowl.

"Let's go jimin!" Yoongi said immediately but he was grabbed by the girl.

"What!? You're gonna ask as if you didn't knew me!? I was pitying you that time so I offered! Because you said boohooo Venica Jiminie was taken away from me I'm an idiot. I love him so much but that stupid taemin stole him away from me. You were a crying mess you idiot!  I'm a succubus so Obviously offering my body is a great deal!!!" Venica snapped and Yoongi shouted so loud but Jimin heard everything. Face flushed and now he looks like a tomato.

"Hyungie...." was all jimin can say and yoongi is now blushing like a tomato.

"Hyungwon. Vampires blush? HOW!?"

Hyungwon just laughed and said. "Too much blood drinking of your love one."

"So you're jiminie?" Venica asked and jimin nods. Yoongi grabbed jimin and with a great speed left the premises.

"I still heard her say you cried so much coz you love me ao much and taemin is an idiot." Jimin giggles and yoongi just panic blushing.

"I was hurt okay. I've loved you for so long and you just go with taemin as if he's you're dad. I was broken and hurt. A succubus is a great deal." Yoongi said but jimin hugged him in return. 

"I love you yoongi."

"That was so embarrassing what the fuck

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"That was so embarrassing what the fuck."
Yoongi said but jimin just laughs and floods him with kisses.


A.N: a fill in chapter ayeeee~ 💜🤗

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