Pale & Blood

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I woke up quite early but everything feels so right.  I felt refreshed.  As if I was never bothered by an allergy. I'm  back to normal I guess. I saw Yoongi still sleeping in his bed. Oh yeah,  I slept in the couch. I wanna sleep beside him but I got too drunk with Yoongi's pomegranate. Speaking of that.  I want more.

But I gotta pee first.  I head to his bathroom and pee.  Wash my face and froze.

I'm as pale as Yoongi.  What the hell happened...
I touch my face and tried to scrub it.  Thinking it might be a make-up?  But no...  My cheecks just got red from scratching.

I don't  know what the hell is wrong with Yoongi's house but Yoongi's house made me pale for sure

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I don't  know what the hell is wrong with Yoongi's house but Yoongi's house made me pale for sure. But atleast I had my best sleep and best juice!

"Yoongi!  Wake up!  I'm  hungry... " I tried to poke him and he just grunted at me. Seeing him sleeping made me sleepy again so I lie beside him and went to deep slumber.


I woke up with the smell of my favorite grilled cheese, awesome.  I smiled at the smell and walked towards the kitchen.

"good morning yoongi. " I said and I heard something broke. I saw Yoongi in shock,  plates shattered in the ground.

"what's  wrong?" I asked him but he shook his head and pick the broken pieces.

"no don't! Let's  sweep-" I'm  too late,  he got a scrape and is now bleeding.

He looked so shocked as he stare at me and his finger. What is wrong with Yoongi?

"Seriously,  what is wro-" I stop talking and stare at Yoongi's bleeding finger. I don't  know what get into me but I suck his finger until blood stopped oozing from it.

I heard Yoongi's low groan and that snapped me to reality.

"I'm  sorry Yoongi... I just..." His cheeks quite flushed, smiled at me and told me we should eat.

"Jimin... Did you drink my pomegranates? " he asked me and I nod.

After eating,  Yoongi kept on fidgeting and obviously,  can't  settle.  I wanna know what is wrong but it seems he's  so occupied by something.

"Should I head home for now? " I asked him and he just nods.

I wonder what is wrong with him but I head home anyways.

"Jimin." I stopped in tracks before I can open the door.

He gave me one of his jacket and said that I should wear it. So I wear it anyway.

Damn it sure is hot today.


A.N: It's  a short chapter right now but Jimin tasted Yoongi's blood ayee ayee :3

Thank you for 300 reads!  💕 let's  all be friends 😊

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