7. Allergy

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"Super sunburn but was gone after a day?" Jungkook's eyebrows went high.  I know right!  It was so cool!

I nod with enthusiasm and he just smiled.

"okay then mr.  Sunburn how about we eat out coz my cereal got soggy. " I shrugged and followed him out.

We're  in a restaurant right now and I saw the shinning man.

"oohhh~ you're  Jimin right?  Yoongi used to tell so many stories about you! " he said as Jungkook is still thinking what to get.

"stories like what? " I asked him and his eyes went so bright eager to continue the conversation.

"like how bea-"
"Hi Jimin. " It was yoongi and he was holding Hoseok's mouth shut.  I wanna know what he wants to say...

Wait isn't  it too early for him to be up?  It's  like 7am.  And he's  in a restaurant?  Hoseok's restaurant.

"Hi Yoongi..." I said back and look at the window.

"who's this guy? " he asked and Jungkook put the menu down,  stood up and sat beside me, swinging his arm in my shoulder.

"guess." he smirked at Yoongi.  What is he doing?

I saw Yoongi's annoyed face for a brief second but then covered it with his poker face. I don't  like it when he looks annoyed...

"Jungkook...  I don't  think we should-"

"you're  right Mine. We should not tell him. " Jungkook snickered beside me.

"hello Mr. I would like to order the teriyaki hamburger plus fries and onion rings and milkshake please. "

"okay~ and you? " Hoseok asked me and I looked at the menu feeling intimidated by the standing Yoongi beside Hoseok.

"uhmm...  Pa...  Pasta and... Peanuts I guess. "

"peanuts?  Ohh please put extra fried garlic all over it! " Jungkook said.

Hoseok nod and pulled Yoongi away from us.  After a few minutes the food was served.

Ohh darn I forgot to order a drink.  I feel itchy.

"excuse me,  can I have some water? " I asked Hoseok as he nods. Darn it's  so itchy!

I saw my arms get red and jungkook get a hold of it.

"something wrong? " he asked and I nodded.

"I think I'm  allergic to garlic. " I said as I glare at the garlics.

"ease yourself let's  put away that garlic. " he said and ate every garlic there is.

It's..  Still itchy darn it.

"Jimin. You okay? " I heard him but did not talk.

Once again...  I see him doing things he don't  ussually do.  For Hoseok.

"Kookie,  can you please contact Jin. I need to go to the hospital. "

"no you're  not.  You're  coming with me. " Yoongi said as he hold my arm.

"i don't  think so mr.  He's  coming with me. " Jungkook said and stood up.

They kept on glaring on each other while Hoseok just stand there smiling like an idiot.

"I...  I'm  having allergies.  Can you just please call Jin." i said as I sat down.

It's  so damn itchy. I'm  not gonna order anything with garlic again.


A.N: Thank you for giving book a chance.  Hope you enjoy reading this.  :)

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