Drunk Yoongi

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Because everyone was bickering in Hoseok's restaurant, I went back home with Jin. My body feels itchy and I can't  stop scratching.

"Jimin,  stop scratching.  It'll  only get worse. "
Jin said as he pick up the pace of the car. Driving real fast towards my home.

As he parked, we rushed inside only to be greeted by Taehyung reading some more drafts that I have lying out there.

"oh Jimin!  I actually like this one oh my gosh!  What happened to you!? " he screamed at the top if his lungs as he runs towards me and Jin run towards the medicine cabinet.

"I think I got allergies... " I quietly said as I lightly scratch my arm.

Taehyung guide me to seat and run to the kitchen to get hot water.
"there's  no medicine here for allergies! " Jin said as he run back to me checking if I'm  still fine.

"I told you I didn't  even knew I have allergies... This is the first time." I said and there was a knock in my door.  Jin opened it and Taehyung came back damping my skin with hot water.

"hey. " I heard his raspy voice. I looked at him and ask what is he doing here?  Wow I guess I'm  still salty over his favoritism behavior towards Hoseok.

"I got the meds. I'll  inject you now. " he said and I just look away getting ready for the injection.  I slightly flinch once the needle touched my skin but it's  not that bad.

I murmured a small thank you to him and he nods.  He saw Taehyung still damping me with hot water.

"that's  not gonna help you know. " he said to him and Taehyung just smiled.

"It helps Jimin to calm down.  You know,  coz he always panic so much." Yoongi was taken a back with what Taehyung said.  Actually I just found it out when Taehyung tried it once I was panicking for a deadline before.  And surprisingly  it actually  really works.

"I see you know some things that I don't know. " he said back at Taehyung and he just gave Yoongi  his brightest box smile.

"Jimin,  I guess your friend can take care of you now.  Namjoon needs me to do some things so I'll  head out now. i wave goodbye and said my thanks to Jin for helping me.

Yoongi was still standing near Taehyung and I but was grabbed by Jin after a few seconds.

"Let's go Yoongi. " Jin said and Yoongi started to complain but Jin gave him a stern look. "fine" was all Yoongi muttered and they both went out leaving me and Taehyung in my house.


It is now 6pm and my idiot cousin is still not around. The last time I saw him was in Hoseok's reastaurant which we arrived at a really early morning time.

"waiting for someone?" Taehyung asked as he fry some hotdogs.

"yeah..  My cousin Jungkook. " I said and he scoot in the sofa with me.

"cousin?  Not Yoongi? " oh,  he finally  knows his name huh.

My phone buzz and saw an unknown number calling...  Meanwhile,  Taehyung ran to the kitchen coz the hotdogs.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello~ is this Jiminie?" a familiar voice said.  But he does not have my number tho.

"uh...  Yes?  Is this-"

"Jiminie~ this is Hobi.  Hoseok~ Hoseok~"

I knew it was him.  Judging from the happy voice.

"uhh..   How do you-"
"Yoongi is in my restaurant  crying. Saying you love someone more than him named tea or something. "

What? Why?  Whaa...  What?  Tea?  Does he mean Tae? Taehyung?

"Jiminie~ Are you still there?  Can you please fetch him here?  He's  bothering the business with his sobs.  Help mee~" Hoseok said and I told him that I'll  go there.

I grab my coat but Taehyung stopped me. "I know this is all I can cook but eat first okay? I don't  want you to get more allergies if you eat outside " He said so we ate together.

I was brushing my teeth when my phone rang once again. Without looking, I answered it. "welo?" I said. My mouth is still full of bubbles.

"you should give me keys to be honest. "
I roll my eyes and ask Taehyung to open the door.

"Ohh.. Cute. " Jungkook said as he saw Taehyung in the front door.

I was getting ready to head out and both of them are just standing in the front door.

"This is Taehyung Jungkook.  He's  my college friend turned editor. Tae that's  my cousin Jungkook." taehyung nods not breaking the eye contact that he and Jungkook have.

"you headin'out? Yoongi was crying in the restaurant  because of-" I hold his mouth shut and said that I'm  on my way there.

"take care of the house for me! " as said as I leave.

"well,  I guess we're  alone for tonight eyy Taehyung." was all I heard as I walked my way back to Hoseok's.


"Finally!  He's  over there poking cups. " was all Hoseok can say coz there are a lot of people tonight.

I saw him leaning on a table,  small sobs can be heard and he's  staring at his drink. Cute.

"Yoongi.  Let's  go home. " I said as I sit beside him.

"Why are you here. Ylu have Tea already. " I seriously wanna laugh coz look at him!  It's  hard not to laugh.

"aiishh!  Yoongi you know he's  just a friend.  Let's  go. " I said I try to support him.

"So is Hoseok but you always look pained. "He said and my heart beats so fast.  So he knows I feel uncomfortable about him and Hoseok huh.

"Let's  not discuss this here. Let's  go home." I said and he gave me his car keys.

"Hey Hoseok,  we're going now.  Thanks for helping Yoongi. " I waved goodbye to him. He smiled and said that Yoongi is a pain in the ass butt he can't  do nothing anyways. Still flashing his smile and dimples.  Man Hoseok is cute too!

Suddenly,  Yoongi hugged me so tight. "Stop seducing what mine. " he said to Hoseok and pull me out of the place.

All I can hear was Hoseok's laugh at the background.

And my heart still beating fast.


A.N: Thank you for 200 reads!  😊💕

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