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A.N: Might be a tear jerker :)


For I constantly pray even if I don't believe in a God to give you peace and happiness. I am empty inside.

The saying was true.

You'll never know the true worth of someone, until the time comes that they are not with you anymore.

The sun set on my end and truth to be told, I kept it from others. I kept that I am not the same shining bright creature who is always ready to give happiness.

I'm not the same Jung Hoseok after Khun died.

I felt like there's a huge hole in my heart right after he died. He died for my sake and I'll forever bear that in mind.

Seeing Yoongi and Jimin's love bloom after so many years made me really happy. Knowing Namjoon and Jin are going domestic makes me happy. Seeing Taehyung and Jungkook are doing pretty well... I am happy.

I've always thought that I am inlove with Taehyung. Hell, I saw the kid grew. He's one of a kind and I like his positive attitude.

Turns out now that Khun's gone... I never realized how important he was for me... that all along, I have taken his existence for granted. Coz he was always there. He must have thought he was slick but I know he followed me everywhere.

Remembering the good old days makes me smile and at the same time a tear fell in my cheek.

I miss Khun.

As Yoongi is still at the Kim's, I took my days off from them. It's not neglecting my duty. It's called long days off.

And having nothing to do, just made me worse. This hollow kept on eating me thinking of all the what ifs.

I love Khun and I never knew until he was gone.

No one knows but while everyone was happy after the war, I'm still hurting.

All the smiles I gave, I wish I can smile that with Khun by my side.

It's all too late.

Stupid Hoseok.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me glaring.

"I want him back." I said holding my tears back. i want Khun back and I am ready to sacrifice everything. Even my life.

"Jung..." she came near me and pat my head.

"I can't bring life back... no matter good I am at my craft, I cannot bring creature back to life..." The witch said and I break.

(A.N: It's the same witch that took Taehyung's eyesight.)

"I am willing to do everything! Just being him back! Eyesight? I can give you better than that. i am willing to sacrifice myself. You can take me. Take me instead. i just want him please. Please help me.... i want him back.... i am such a fool. So naive... an idiot. I hate this !"

The witch just stood looking at how pitiful i am. Defenseless, no will to live.

"Jung..." the witch finally talked again after I have calmed myself.

"I'm not supposed to say this. But... I think, It's time for you to know." She stood, lend me her hand.

"I'm taking you somewhere."

We went deeper in the forest. But it was peaceful. It felt like a secured fortress.

There stood a house. Not too great and not to shabby. It looked very ordinary yet it felt home. I don't know what it is but I felt really warm.

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