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"Jimin, I want you to be safe. You should-"

"No Hyungie. I wanna fight along side with you. With everyone else. I'm a young man with a vengeful heart. Wonho better get ready"

It was a day of wrath. Jungkook with all our kodachii, Jimin wanting to beat the shit out of Wonho, even Taemin whose a faerie actually wants to join the offense even thou he's supposed to guard the faeries. Even the sunshine Hoseok. His eyes looks so dark. It's scary.

We might be all in the war but I don't know what triggered them to be like this. It looks like they are out for blood.

I was kept in due to that fucking spell. Reason I have no idea what the hell is happening right now. All I wanna do is beat the shit out of Wonho too as he is the reason why Jimin and I had suffered.

It was at full blue moon. The war usually end at the night of a special moon and tonight it is a blue moon.

Tonight... it'll all end.

The demons are at the offense and started attacking the faes. It's a good thing that Taemin was there. Taemin was one of the great people who can defend a whole existence.

As he tries to hold a shield to the whole place, werewolves and vampires rushed towards the said place and wrecked a havoc.

Now where the fuck is Wonho.

"Hey bitch." Hoesok said to a certain demon. After killing lots of them, he finally found the one. The one who killed his precious one.

"Think you got game mr?" The demon bite back as he retract his claws. The demon's got game right. He sure is fast, swift and sure can kill.

Which just made Hoseok's temper snapped some more.

"You still reek of khun." Hoseok finally spoke after the long fight.

The dude froze.

"Are you..."

"The guy who'll tear you apart yes." Hoseok said as a one swift move, he manage to duck down, went straight to the demons throat and cut it straight as blood gush down.

"Fuck... you Hoseok..."

Was the last words of the said demon.

Hoseok continued to massacre the said body. Tearing it limb from limb as his eyes went redder and redder. Frustration and anger consumed him. That's when Taehyung get a hold of his shoulders.

"It's okay Hoseok. The shit is dead." Hoseok snap out of it but he just worried about Jungkook. Taehyung is blind. He staring at fucking nowhere as Taemin is in his side. So that's what the kodachiis are for.

"I should go with Jungkook." Hoseok said shielding his panic voice.

"His not fighting along side with you?" Taehyung said.

Taemin managed to ask one vampire to take taehyung in a safe zone so he can talk with Hoseok alone.

"His out for the blood and eyes of the last all knowing witch." Taemin said at Hoseok.

"We can't afford for her to die... she does ridiculous deals but we need her brain."

"Save her against jungkook's wrath." Was all Taemin can say as Hoseok rushed to the said place.


"Hey fucker." Yoongi said as he finally saw who he was looking for. Damn he never thought he would thirst to kill someone.

"Shut up." Was all Wonho can say. Knowing all his hardwork and sacrifices failed him. His voice so frail.

He looks so pitiful right now.

"Laugh all you want yoongi and just kill me already." He said as he finally show himself at Yoongi. Blood in his throat... and finally it hit him.

He was puking flowers.

"There's a very little chance to counter a spell. And choosing one of the prohibited spells Wonho... you sure are confident." It was jimin speaking from behind. It was scary.

His eyes were in full shade of red. Fangs all out in it's glory, palest skin he ever had.

Wonho coughed and petals where spread out on the floor. Yoongi can feel his throat itch.

Not because He'll vomit the same but because He knows pain wonho is in right now. However, yoongi still wanna get his revenge.

"I've learned from Taemin what happens when a hanahaki spell was revoked." Yoongi  stood their watching jimin go near Wonho. Slowly. Not knowing what his next move will be, wonho just waits for his life to end.

"If a hanahaki spell was revoked at the time the caster doesn't loved back by his love one.. The caster's bound to have the hanahaki disease."

Wait that's different?

"Means it'll never be revoked."  The sentence left Jimin's mouth as sharp as the sword.

Does this mean Wonho... right now... it's not a spell. It's a disease. It's the legend disease.

Yoongi thought.


One word from jimin and Wonho bursted out a bouquet quantity of lilys.

"Wonho I'm sorry that the one you love doesn't love you back." Jimin said and finally he was in front of the suffering wonho.

Jimin's words felt so harsh. This is not him. This is his inner vengeance consuming himself.

"I won't kill you. I'll let My love decide." Jimin said as he looked at Yoongi.

"I suffered a lot during the spell but we all know you're the one who suffered so much to a point of almost dying. Both physically and emotionally." He said at Yoongi and Jimin smiled teary eyed.

Yoongi hugged Jimin. "Let's not kill him. I know..."

"You know..." Jimin said as he let a tear fall once he hugged me back.

"I know you wanna get revenge. I'll take care of this mess." It was Hyungwon.

Wonho started weeping loudly as another wave of flowers burst out his mouth.

A.N: Will update again later night 💗

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