3. Tension

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I was nibbling my mashed potato as I wait for Yoongi. I'm still thinking of what Taehyung said before he left.

Yoongi sucked out the venom in my foot? Is that even possible? He should go to the hospital too then.

I don't feel like eating and decided to do some of my work. I am a writer and a foot injury will not be a hindrance for me. I like writing drafts in paper. I grab my pen and decided to continue writing about this love story I've been working on.

I don't have much experiences about love, all I have is my great imagination and the reality I've been living in. After finishing a chapter, I photocopied it and faxed it to Taehyung. While I was faxing the story, the doorbell rang. It must be Yoongi.

I looked at the clock, it was 7 in the evening. I smiled at the thought that he came on time. I opened the door and there he was in his all black clothes smiled at me and pat my head.

"How's your foot?" I sort of glared at him knowing that the snake that bit me was venomous.

"Did you go to the doctor to let yourself be checked?" I said instead of answering him. We both entered my house as I served him some tea. He just laughed at me asking why he should.

"The doctor told Taehyung that the snake that bit me is a cobra." He stop sipping his tea.

"I'm fine. I know first aid about snakes." He shrugged and continued drinking.

"Even though Yoongi! What if you get poisoned?" Well, look at me being hysterical over things.

I was leaning on a table and he stood up to come closer to me. He locked me in my position, both his hands blocking any exit. Our foreheads touching and his gaze was locked at me.

"Will you miss me if I die from the poison?" Yoongi said.

Why is he being cheesy all of a sudden? "If you die because of that poison I'll never forgive myself." I said to him.

it took us another good ten seconds of staring before he averted his gaze and asked me why am I not eating. I guess he saw the mashed potatoes in the table.

We talked about what paper works was he doing earlier. Apparently he was now an investor. While I was gone, his late father trained him to be a fine person. One who does not need a college degree to be successful. They were rich in the first place. He does not need to work. But it looks like even though Yoongi is quite lazy, he doesn't want to be a burden for his family. His Parents are not around anymore. He said that they are in another country and busy. Yoongi is now 23 so he is alone for 3 years now. 

"It must have been tough. Being alone for 3 years is long. I've never been alone because Taehyung was by my side." I said out of nowhere and Yoongi looked at me intensely.

Did I say something wrong? He once again, averted his eyes and looked somewhere else. Silence filled the room.

"I was not alone." Yoongi finally spoke again. Now, it's my turn to snap my head in his direction giving him a weird look.

"Hoseok. He's sort of my secretary." Who was that guy? I never heard his name before.

As if on cue that Yoongi can read my mind he said "I need a person who will take care of my investments outside. I for one don't like going out. But that person is like a ray of sunshine and loves going outside. He's the perfect person to be associated with. Plus free food."

My heart clenched. Yoongi just called another person a ray of sunshine. Just how special can this Hoseok guy be? Knowing that Yoongi doesn't like to mingle with other people, I thought I will be his only friend and Jin... and Namjoon... I guess I was wrong.

Things change for five years. I can't be too possessive with my childhood friend. I also met a new friend in that 5 years. It would be selfish of me thinking that it's only me who gained a new friend.

I was thinking too deeply. My mind was wandering somewhere until I felt a soft touch in my foot. It was Yoongi, kneeling in front of me.

"Don't think of anything else while I'm with you." He said as he kissed my foot.

I on the other hand was stunned and can't move.

"Please take care next time. Jimin" He said as he pats my head the nth time tonight and take his leave.

I looked at the clock and it was already midnight.


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