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Jimin's POV

I love him so so much it hurts.

I am confused as I am stating the truth. I'm...

Right now, I am not allowed to be near him. They said my presence made him hard to breathe and he starts suffocating.

Last time we talked was unbearable.
Hoseok hyung said he coughed flowers. While I was saying I love him.

I don't understand why. I've been longing for him for the one I love for months because of this stupid war that's happening and now that we're able to talk, he coughed flowers?

Hoseok said He has hanahaki disease. Means that I'm proclaiming my so called fake undying love through phone that day.

I made everything hard for yoongi again.

I've been calling him hyung for months now as part of me trying to suppress my urge to cuddle and just stay at home together, enjoy each others company and such. Unfortunately, I heard from taehyung that My love took it the wrong way.

Right now, I am confounded in the depths of the faeries lair. With Taemin and Taehyung as my guardians for the mean time. Due to this circumstances, Hoseok can't take care that much about me. He has war to fight, a whole mythic creatures to defend, and a yoongi to take care of.

I heard from Taemin that Yoongi isn't doing well. He's still weak and itching to cough out petals from time to time. It's also been a week since I last met Taehyung.

I feel useless, alone and a burden.

All I did was love Yoongi. What did I do wrong...

I've been staring at the ceiling for god knows how long.

"Trusting Wonho. That's what you did wrong" It was Taehyung out nowhere. Sitting in my bed.

What? Wonho? Why?

Alright, for starters... Can I get a hug? He said with open arms and I immediately gave him a hug.

"Taetae, what is wrong?" I asked him and there he uncontrollably sob.

"Khun... he's dead."

Once Taehyung can breathe and talk normally again. He told me what happened. About Khun's death, Yoongi's state right now which is really unbearable for me. It hurts so mich my heart kept on clenching. It's as if it's trying to kill itself. And ofcourse about Wonho.

So Wonho is a demon. I didn't see that coming as we, Yoongi and I knew his parents. It's our principal for heavens sake.

"Also... this is the last flower yoongi hyung coughed out." He gave me the two flowers in a small bottle.

" He gave me the two flowers in a small bottle

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It's so beautiful but it hurts so much.

"It's the last flower because I finally know the answer. I've been through deep connections before I can solve it." Taehyung said but I didn't understand anything.

He looked at my bracelet ring. One of the most memorable gift given by Yoongi to me. The Christmas gift he gave to me.

"I miss Yoongi. Whenever I look at this, it makes me wanna cry all night. Thinking he doesn't believe my sincerity." I said and with that, taehyung snatch it leaving me red marks in my wrist and finger and then destroyed it.

It happened too fast I was not able to react.

What the fuck did Taehyung did. I felt tears fell from my eyes. The most precious gift by Yoongi, the love of my life... the one I endeared most.

I seriously wanna punch Taehyung.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!?" I screamed at him crying.

It's the only thing that I've been hilding on for months. And he destroys it. Yoongi will be pissed, he will truly not love me back, I'll be abandoned.

"Calm down Jimin."


"Jimin liste"


"It's the fucking hindrance Jimin. Wonho put the hanahaki spell in the gift."


"What Yoongi has was not a disease. The disease was a myth since no man told tales. But hanahaki spell is different."

According to Taehyung, Hanahaki spell needs the following to be done and be effective.

-a thing that is precious to both people involved.
-a sacrifice from the spell caster with equivalent exchange
-trust from both people involved
-blood of one of the peoples involve
-a photo of the targets
And many more which was bound in deep witchcraft knowledge.

There was only one witch alive and she is truly getting old.

All these explanations but I still don't get it.

"Jimin it means"

Suddenly the doors went wide open. It was Taemin.

"JIMIN! Yoongi stoped coughing petals and flower." With his eyes wide open...

Does this means....

Taehyung gave me a pat in the back. "Go get your man Jimin"

I hugged him and Taemin before I head out.

I coming home my love. I am coming home.


Taemin hugged Taehyung out of nowhere once Jimin left the premises.

"You're a good friend." Taemin said as Taehyung nods.

"I love jimin and all of them. I can't afford to lose another precious one."

"But still... that witch is still tough huh. She's turning 800 and she took your eyesight in exchange of that information."

Taehyung just smiled.
"Guess what Wonho offered the witch and for the spell."


"His mother's blood and heart"

A.N: Sooooooo uhm. I forgot to update? Spare me I was busy at work :(

I know many of y'all are not reading this anymore. Maybe because it's too long? Idk. But I'm glad you guys still gave this book a chance 💜❤️
Happy 45k reads!

Real uwu days, weeks, months and years coz Jimin is in our house 😭💜😂😂😂

Real uwu days, weeks, months and years coz Jimin is in our house 😭💜😂😂😂

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