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we are all watching some cheesy shit which I don't like. I just cuddled with Jimin as they all watch the movie.

After a few hours, Namjoon and Jin left the premises and so does Jungkook. He said he'll visit Taehyung. That left me and Jimin alone at 10 in the evening.

I kept on fidgeting. I wanna say it but what if he hates me? No Yoongi, Jimin don't judge people like that. But I turned him into a vampire! It's not just about me being a vampire damn it.

"Yoongi what's wrong? Please tell me? You've been like that since we woke up. " he said and I breathe deeply and drag him to his room.

His room had a darker shade of curtain. I see it has already started.

"W-why are you dragging me in the room? " he asked stuttering. God he was so cute.

I hold on his shoulders and gathered all my courage to tell him.

"Jimin... "

"Yeah? "

"I'm sorry.. " i sighed.
"what? Why? For what? " he asked confused of what am I doing.

"Jimin... I kept this secret from you but now... I will tell it. " he gulped as he anticipate what am I gonna say.

"Jimin... I'm a Vampire. " I said and he just blinked. Once, twice, trice. And became a laughing mess.

"HAHAHAHA yoongi stop joking! I know your pale, never goes out of the house and such but really? A vampire? You're not a va-"

He stop laughing once I showed him my retractable fangs.

"fuck" he was shocked by what he saw and by what he said. He held his mouth in his both hands and his eyes grew wide.

With Shining eyes... "Yoongi... You're a vampire? " he asked as he touched my jaw, I looked up giving him more access to my jaw as he goes nearer.

I'm trembling in his touch.

"Yoongi... Oh my god. You're a mythical creature." he said as he continue to examine my vampire features.

Jimin is the kind of person who will not believe if he doesn't see it.

He looked so confused, amazed and shocked all at the same time.

"this is so cool... My bestfriend is a vampire... " he said. I felt a pang in my chest.

"is this what your saying sorry for? " he asked as he now sat on my lap. It feels like he's straddling me.

"yeah and no... You see... " I don't know how to say it so I did my best to it in action. I grab a knife near us. The one we used to slice some tart earlier and cut a little in my neck.

Jimin gulped at the blood oozing in my neck he looked at me. We stared in each other for a couple of minutes and then he started licking the ooze of blood which is now already in my chest.

Once clean, he started sucking my blood in my neck. God I am so turned on right now. He's sucking my neck, sitting on my lap and him squirming in my crotch is not helping. I touch his butt looking for something to hold on too and he moans with the touch.

Tonight might be a sinful night.

A.N: Sorry for late updates. I was having a post concert depression. But anyways! We are back 😏 who's excited for the next update? 😎



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