At Dawn

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"everything is all stacked!  We're  good to go~!" Hoseok said, putting everything we need (pomegranates)  in the back side of the car.

"Won't you guys stay more? " my mom asked and my dad was back hugging Jimin as if his life depended on it.

"don't go yet Jimin.  Yoongi my son you can go back and take care of the business. Leave Jimin here. " my dad said, fake sobbing.

"Mom.  Dad.  I think one week is enough." I said and my dad went inside the house.

Tch.  Such a crybaby.

"Bye Mr. Min!!!  We'll gonna miss you two together with Mrs. Min! " Jimin said as my dad's sobs continued.

"Awww our Jimin,  we'll  miss you too! Have a safe trip back home." my mom said as she gave Jimin a tight hug before we leave.


"Guuuys!  What took you so long!? " Taehyung said as he gave Jimin a draft and started rummaging our goods. Getting some pomegranates.

"The Min's missed Jimin so much" Hoseok said and he started checking Jimin's house.

We are now here in Jimin's and Taehyung is here,  guarding the house.  Nah,  he was busy compiling Jimin's drafts. What's  good with what, arranging plots and such.

Jungkook?  Well he's not here.Taehyung said he doesn't know where he went.

"So you two are cousins huh.  I found it out when we were in the Min's" Jimin said Taehyung who looked dumbfounded.

"me and Yoongi?  Cousins?  really? "

So he didn't knew either?

"Khun to-"

"you guys met Khun!?  I Miss him already.  He said hell visit me but he never did. "

It turned out that Taehyung was actually looking for his cousin coz he needed blood but he never thought that that cousin was actually me. He just thought that he was lucky finding out that I am a vampire. Like,  thank you coincidence.

We talked and talked,  me and Taehyung.  Catching up with what Happened to our lives and such while Jimin is reading the drafts compiled by Tae.

"Dinner will be served. Prompt to your seats. " Hoseok said and we prepared ourselves to eat.

It's pasta.  "this is a special one. " Hoseok said as he served it to us.

Looks like a normal pasta to me. We all ate and as I closed my eyes getting ready to taste thag acidic flavor of tomatoes, my tongue was filled with sweet, sour aromatic sensation. In short,  this food is heavenly.  We are all stunned as we look at Hoseok.

What tha fuck is this?  It's  delicious.

"the pasta has pomegranates" Hoseok said showing his angelic smile
Taehyung and Jimin began to dig in as the food is too good. I laugh at them.

Then Jimin stared at me and it looked like he was saying something about lips

Then Jimin stared at me and it looked like he was saying something about lips

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I flushed. what he wants a kiss?  In front of our pasta?  I mean I'm not complaining but damn.  Taehyung is still here,  Boseok is here.  Can't  we do it in private Jimin?  I was gonna say something but Jimin bruahed my lips with his hand, and licked his fingers.

Damn. that was a turn on...

So it seems like I have sauce in my lips.

I gave him a look. Silently sayi g that he'll  pay for that tease  later.

After dinner,  Taehyung decided to leave and so do Hoseok

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After dinner,  Taehyung decided to leave and so do Hoseok. Which made us alone in Jimin's house.

We are watching some cartoons and stuff. Spooning and eating popcorn.  This is such pure bliss.

I sniffed Jimin's hair.  It's  addicting. I really love this guy.  Years and years, I still can't  believe that he is now mine.

"Jimin I-"  I was cut short when we heard a voice.

"Jimin my love, I missed you. " A guy was standing in the front door said as he smiled at us who were Really  comfortable at the sofa.

"don't tell me that you already forgot me babe"

Who the fuck is this guy.
I suddenly wanna choke someone.


A.N: A cliffhanger!  Yey!  😂
So guys,  I updated to tell y'all to maximize you accounts and vote for our boys in mama!  💞💕

That's all.  And happy 10th win for dna?  I'm gonna tucked in now,  it's 1:30
Am here and I got home ay almost 13nn. 


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