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Jimin's POV

Taemin helped me a lot way back in college while Taehyung was still not around.

Even thou we have really opposite attitudes, we became really good friends.

He is a playboy and really good looking. To be honest, I see my cousin at him except the fact that Jungkook is way too cocky.

It's a surprise to see him here in our place and I am really glad that he is here.

Unfortunately, Yoongi didn't take it in a good way. I dont know What's his deal but he kept on glaring at Taemin and saying such unreasonable things. Well it's been almost a week and Yoongi never bothered to visit me again after he saw Taemin in my house like thrice.

Taemin and I went to shop, eat, play and much more fun things to do. I missed him and so does he.

"Jimin, you seem bothered by something." He said as we are eating.

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking." I smiled at him and we continued on eating.

"That Yoongi guy. He is really at you." He said smirking at me which made me blush. Well... he did say that he like me. Uhmmm he did say that he loves me.

This is hard.

"So you got something to tell me right?" Taemin spoke once again smiling.

I let out a deep sigh and his smile grew wider.

Yoongi and I are childhood bestfriends, turned vampire mates. He said that he loves me but like... I don't know. What if it's just the hormones kicking in? What if it's just because he thinks he needs to be responsible for me since he turned me into a Vampire? I don't regret anything that happened in the past and I am thankful that he saved my life.

Remembering that I also become jealous about Yoongi and Hoseok's relationship before, I am here with my complicated feelings with Yoongi.

It's freaking hard.

Taemin just oat my head as I finished my phrase.

"Jimin, it's seems that you are also fond of Yoongi. Don't you think you've been treating more than just a friend?" He said and I shook my head. I am treating him as my best friend.

"Jimin my babe, will you have sex with me?" Taemin asked me and I felt my cheeks turned red. What is he thinking!?

"T..taemin... I can't. We are friends and we can't cross that line. I know that you treat me dear to you but that doesn't make sense if w"

"EXACTLY" Taemin said not letting me finished what I have to say.

No no no, Taemin doesn't understand. I will now live for a long time. And being alone withou any partner will be sad for me and for my... uhmmm well I'm a guy. I need sex too.

"It's seems You didn't understand Jimin." He said and leaned at me.

And kissed me in my lips. I was caught off guard, reason why he had access inside and twirl his tongue with mine.

After the kiss, he smiled at me. "I guess you already know the answer Jimin."

I was a crying mess. Taemin and I are really good friends but doing such things with him... I just can't imagine it.

"I love him

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"I love him." Is all I can say between my sobs.

"Have you told him tho?" He said and with that, I cried once more. The reason why Yoongi hates Taemin, why he is anxious when Taemin is in my house the past few days, I understand now. Why am I so blind when it comes to such things.

He hugged me and patted my back. Saying i know i know.

"Taemin, I'm gonna go to his house! I need to clarify my feelings." I said and he smilled.

"I'll drive near the station." He said and we got up from our seats.

He dropped me off the station and I rushed to Yoongi's house.

To be honest, I wanna clean my mouth first. I felt disgusted with what happened but not when Yoongi and I those things. But that can wait. I need to clarify my feelings to Yoongi first.

Good thing I know the password of this house. I sneaked in thinking he might be sleeping or such.

His house is a mess. Bittles of beer and alcohol everywhere, I can barely see bottle of pomegranate. What is he doing?

"Yoongi I-"

I rushed opened the door to his room just to find him naked with a woman already grabbing his dick.

Everything went blank. What is this. My chest felt pains, it felt I was struck with thousands of pins sending small but consecutive pains.

I felt my face went numb. My legs staged and I was not able to stand well.

Without anything to say, I run away from the house and broke down at the nearest convenience store. The store where I got bitten by a snake.

I am still crying. Trying to get a hold of myself, I dialed Jin's number and said my situation.


A.N: hello :) I'll try to update as much as possible today with this story and coffee break so I can Publish it soon:)

Yoongi is a dick in this chapter I know.

Yoongi is a dick in this chapter I know

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