The Talk

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It's been a month when Jimin last saw Yoongi.
2 weeks since the last time Yoongi texted him.

Jimin thinks going back at the city is a bad idea. Seeing how yoongi is parting away to him now, He can't take it.

They've been through thick and thin. Hell they fought stupid war, survived a curse, and over came each other differences. What's so hard now?

It's cause they're not together that's what's hard.

"taetae... I think I don't want to purse publishing the book..."

Tae held out a big gasp. "You what?"

"It's too much. I'm loosing everything necause of my greed of publishing a book"

"Jimin sweetie... it's been your dream..."

"I know but Yoongi is also my dream.."

"I'm gonna be immature and tell this. If Yoongi will not allow you to go back at the city just coz of his stupid love for you, then he doesn't count shit."

Jimin cried. Like... a lot.

"But he has endured so much... he endured so much for my sake Tae. He even has his own life at risk because of that hanahaki, had his life on risk at the war, had thought he had a one sided love since then, loves me even I'm away without certainty of me going back but he still love me. And I am sacrificing all of his hardships for me just because I wanna publish a book..."

Taehyung hugged Jimin. Pf course Jimin is right. yoongi had it worst. Compared to Jimin.

The man gave work at the mythic side. And have a broken heart. All endured and bottled up until came back.

"Ohh Jimin... it's just been 2 weeks. Let him have more time to think."

"Fine then. 1 more week. One more week and if it still doesn't work then I'm giving up my dream."


Yoongi's P.O.V

"How more weeks are you planning to stay"

"Maybe 1 kore week or so I don't know."

"You aint giving us you rent share Yoongi."

"Shut up."

"You eating all good food because of me"

"I know. Thats why I decided to crash in here"

"I'm over this. Knocked some sense out of this idiot please darling."

"On it."

"Shut up"

I crashed here at the Kims.
Kin Namjoon and Kim Seokjin's home.

They have quite a lot of place to stay. After the war, they decided to have quite of a peaceful life. Jin opened some cafe in the city, Namjoon being domestic out of our lands, but not at the city.

Right now, they have three major places. One here our land territory, one at the city and one half way of both places.

Right now, we are here at the half way.

I texted Jimin 2 weeks ago. I'm trying my limit here. If he'll be staying away from the territory place then most likely he'll be very busy. I'll be busy coz of the work here and he needs to publish a book. It's been his dream.

If I can't do this then I'm just cutting his wongs so it'll be better  if I give up. What a good 6months to years of waiting again.

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