1. The Visit

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"Yoongi..." He still looks so white, snow white would be ashamed.

He smiled at me as he comes near the door. "Jimin. Good to see you."

He said as his fingertips touched my jaw. His stare sure can kill and I was mesmerized by his eyes. He leaned closer to me as he hugged me. I can feel him sniffing me which made me flinched.

"So... 5 years huh. How are you?" I tried to push a conversation as he let go of me.

Yoongi saved my life when I was young. We became best buddies and respected each others individuality. There is something different with him, you see...

He seldomly goes out. If he goes out, he's always wearing so many layers of clothes. His skin is so white and he's so lazy. He is even too lazy to go eat. I don't get him. But even though he's like that, I can understand him. I for one is a shy kid.

Maybe he does not like to hang around with people too. This is the reason why we became friends. He is like a mysterious friend that I can trust.

"Are you here for vacation?" He asked me as he served some tea.

"I'll be here for good! College is over and I'm working as a writer now." I answered him. His eyes full of excitement, asked what do I write.

"You know I'm a cheesy person." We both smiled at this.

I don't believe in ghosts so I don't write paranormal stuffs.

Nor in mythical creatures so no vampires, werewolves, deity and more. I've been in and out if the country and I can't be bothered by these petty things. I'm more of a realist so I don't believe things without facts and never be seen by naked eye.

"I would still love to read your works" he smirked at me making me laugh and at the same time shy.

We did a lot of catching up with each other. What have I done the past five years, any new friends, love interests and more.

Yoongi said he is still inlove with the same person he likes for so many years. Man, this guy is passionate.

His piano skills was out of this world. You can feel his soul in every keys, as if he was sending chills all over your spine. Too bad this guy is so lazy to even go to college. He would have been big and an instant star that's for sure.

I told him I had a friend who also became a huge part of my work. He was my publisher. He is also quite weird since he is so active, secretive but playful, acts like a child but man this guys is a womanizer.

His name is Kim Taehyung.

Time flew so fast that once I checked the time, it was already 9 in the evening.

"Man, I should go. It's getting late." I said to Yoongi who pouted as he heard that I need to go.

"Cmon man, you can visit me anytime. Our house is like a 10-minute walk!" I smiled at him as he pout harder.

I know he's too lazy to walk. I miss this friend of mine so much. Look how cute he is!

"I'll send you off then" Yoongi said as he grab his huge coat and open the door.

While we are walking, I asked him why does he use so much layer of clothes. He just raised his eyebrow and said "My skin is too beautiful. It's one of the few thing I give a ton of shit about."

This guy is really unbelievable we stopped near a convenience store.

I had the urge to pee so I went at the back side which was a field and started doing my business.

I was wriggling it, the act which meant I'm done, but I suddenly felt a sting in my foot. I was wearing a sandals so my feet was quite open for this insect field to bite on.

As I look down I gasp for air wanting to scream. It was a snake! I was bitten by a snake and I am bleeding.

I gather all my courage to scream


And in a dash he was beside me, pomegranate juice still in his mouth.

He picked me up and the snake dashed away from us with the satisfaction of biting my foot.

"Calm the fuck down Jimin it's not venomous." He said as he call for an ambulance.

Me being me, I can't calm myself. Having a hard time breathing I gasp for one last breathe and fainted feeling the pain in my foot.


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