Love (+Giveaway Winner)

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A.N: I'm sorry

N: I'm sorry

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Yoongi's POV

"Yoooongiii~!!!!" Hoseok ran towards me just to glomp me.

It's been so long since the last time I saw him. He, them, and me were busy in our fields for the past months.

"Dude. I know you're a vampire but... you look so so so pale. Something wrong?" Hoseok asked and I shook my head as I cough.

These past few weeks? Months? My throat feels really itchy and and hurts sometimes.

Hoseok and I decided to hang out at his restaurant-since today is a quiet day.

"So how's everything with lover boy?" He asked me as we eat, brows going upwards.

I smiled "everything is all good. He stays with Taemin most of the time and that new friend of his, Wonho.

"Wonho?" He asked and I told him who he was. Our former principal's son.

I showed him a photo and Hoseok went pale. What is wrong?




"What's up with him?"

"He's a demon."




Wonho is a demon

Wonho is with Jimin

Yoongi fucked up.


"He's extraordinary. He has no demon signs."

I immediately called Jimin asking where he is. My pulse rate getting high, my throat is not helping either.

"Sweetie, where are you?" I asked panting. I am nervous. I need to keep him safe.

"I'm in your house hyung. What's up?" Jimin said but I can't calm.

"I'll be there. Wait for me okay? Don't go anywhere." I said and he immediately said yes back at me.

"I love you Yoongi" four words and my stomach turned.

I cough real hard. Falling on the ground.

"Yoongi are you okay?" I heard hoseok and Jimin is also asking from the phone. I gave hoseok the phone him and Jimin talked as I was a mess in the ground.

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