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its been almost two weeks since the snake bite incident and now I can walk quite well.

Yoongi never failed to visit me in my house every night and keeping me company from 7 in the evening up till almost midnight.

Taehyung was busy the past weeks because of my story drafts and checking it. He never met Yoongi again since he can't visit me.

Today, I received a text message from a long time friend.

"Let's go to the beach!"
-Kim Seokjin

Jin, me and Yoongi are good friends.

When I was bullied in school before, Yoongi became my shield. But since we both are weak when it comes to socializing we ended up being bullied too and that's where Jin comes in the picture.

he is that very beautiful man who even straight guys fall for. But he was awkward and a geek.

we all have different personalities but we sure get along well.

In the past years, It was also very rare for us to have communication. Yoongi and I talks thrice a month for 5 years but this guy? he never contacted us. nor me or Yoongi.

He sometimes hit me up whenever he has puns and wants to tell a joke, a suddenly out of this world questions and much more. but having a serious conversation? nope. we never had those.

So he, hitting me up out of nowhere made me excited! after 5 years we will see each other too!

I gladly said yes to the beach thing and packed up. I called yoongi maybe, just maybe he would like to join us even though he hates the sun. I picked up my phone and called him but no one answered my calls. I'm guessing he is sleeping.

After a good two hours, I heard a honk outside, I looked at the window and saw his broad shoulders and pink hat.

yep, that's definitely him. I rushed outside with my backpack as I screamed his name.

"JIN!!" I said as he squeals, hugged me and picked me up. After a few seconds he was spinning in circles and still squealing. oh god he is embarrassing.

"I texted Yoongi but that Snow white never answers my call." Jin said as we started to head onto the road.

"you know why Jin. he thinks your jokes are lame" I said as I giggled in the past memories.

It was at that time when Jin was sick and it was lunch break when He called Yoongi and said a joke about how young he was and says he's "KIDding"

after that, Yoongi never answer his calls ever again.

It was lit on our way to the beach. we were blasting awesome songs in his car. It's been so long since I had fun with this awkward man.

After a few hours we reached our destination but things happened. As we are searching for a good place to park, a guy accidentally bump his car with Jin's car. The collision was quite slow and no one was harmed except the cars.

"who the hell!?" it was Jin. obviously didn't liked what happened. He stepped out of the car so do the other guy. My eyes widened on who the guy is but Jin's eyes suddenly has fires.


"Sorry bitch." Namjoon said with a smirk on his face as Jin glared at him.

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