Known (Namjin Side Story)

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"Hey" it was Jin who gave Namjoon a back hug. After the war, both of them rarely met. Unlike Yoongi and Jimin; Taehyung and Jungkook,  Namjoon is always busy. Helping Hoseok at the remaining things to gather and keep.

"Hey babe." Namjoon smiled weakly. He was tired is an understatement. Heck the dude killed 200.000 demons. That's way too many for an average.

"Do you wanna rest?" Was all Jin could say. Something is wrong. Namjoon felt distant. Did he do something wrong? Well as far as he can remember there was none.

"I love you." Namjoon blurted out of nowhere. Maybe he felt the need of assurance of his partner.

"You know how much I love you right? We've been through thick and thin. I will do anything to protect you." This is soft coming from him. Different but Jin felt secured.

After the war, there were still minor demon attacks. Besides there always there. Just little groups nothing to be afraid of. Since their head is now gone, cared by Hyungwon, Demons fell without unity. They were scattered, some were kept underground for breeding and those who greed thinking they can snatched away the moon made their attacks.

That's apparently what Namjoon is doing.

"That's the 9th attacked dude." Young mans voice was hushed whispers at the cafe.

"I know and I want this over. Can't I just kill everyone who chose greed?"  Another young man said.

"Of course you can't idiot. Greed is not all about the moon. To be honest some are after Taehyung and Jimin. Both of them are a beauty."

"I thought the war was over? The fuck is this?"

"It's called balance. You of all mythic can't expect everything are daisies. Even rose have throns, such beauty but can hurt others."

"Then I gotta warn Jungkook and Yoongi. No, maybe say this information to Hoseok. Hes mastered this area. He can-"

"Now that's cheating Namjoon ah. We are allies but fate is fate. This is not a movie where you can spoil everything. Let the Demons try their best to win." Hyungwon said sipping his coffee.

"You know sometimes I forget that you're a demon." Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"A fair demon. Don't forget who I executed mister. I am fair." He held a fInger sushing Namjoon.

That's right. How could anyone forget. A fellow demon executed the head Demon Wonho.

"Maybe tell Jin?" Hyungwon said as he stood ready to leave.

"Tell him what?"

Hyungwon just laughed and winks at him then left the premises.


"Are you serious? isn't war over?" Jin was sitting on the couch when he spoke on nothing.

"Don't even try to hide idiots. Now I asked you. Isn't the war over now? What the fuck are you doing here?"  15 demons came out.

"Well we don't have to explain idio-"

His neck was slash out.

Making the other 14 flinched.

"Don't make me ask again."

"Rebels Don't obey. We attack when we want to. So right now..."

It was a battle inside Jin and Namjoon's house with 14 demons.
4 tried to get in Jin's system but failed. Even if the moon is fragile ye still sure can fight. But not this much. The moons power and abilities are for harmony and balance. Not for killing.

"Get the fuck out of our house imbeciles" it was Namjoon silver eyes and obviously in rage.

6 flee as Bamjoon easily killed 7.

He was the ace for a reason. After killing the 8th, he grabbed Jin and tucked him in his bed saying to wait for him and he chased the remaining 6.

After a good 10 minutes or so of chasing in the dark woods,  Namjoon was back.

"I know everything."

This made Jin shoot up from his bed.
"Know what?"

"That you're the moon. I knew before Hyungwon discovered." Namjoon said and he sat beside his lover.

"I'm sorry I was busy protecting you. I was occupied by fighting demons."

Jin shook his head. "No no, it's fine. It's for my sake and I thank you for that." He hugged namjoon. He should have known better. Namjoon is the one he ever had. Of course he'll knew without him saying anything.

"I'll always protect you. No matter happens." Namjoon said as he kissed Jin's cheek.

This made Jin giggle. "Ease your temple mister warrior, me being the moon will last for 7 more months. After that, a new lineage from the mythic will be the moon. I have done my part so I'll be back as a wonder faerie in no time~" Jin said and Namjoon just hugged him in return.

"I cant wait for actual peace."

"Me either"

A.N:  Festa was up, work was up and I ypdated late obviously. Coming next week! Taekook side story~ 😆🤩

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