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Yoongi's POV

I am so tired. Of everything. Of this bullshit demon vs werewolves and vampires thing just to protect the moon. I just really wish that the demons will go extinct so no one will try to harm the moon again.

This is killing me. Me being so busy about the blood supply for the vampires who front at this battles, me who has like once a week free day to spend time with the one I love most.

I know Jimin is also doing his best not be a hindrance with this shit. I leave while he still sleeping. Cook breakfast for us so he has food when he wakes up, as I go back at the house, Jimin is still not around as he needs to do all of the job in his books right now since Taehyung is unavailable at the moment. He gets home when I'm already sleeping. And the same goes as our routine.

I just want this fuckery battle to end.

"Hyung... I told you to stop overworking yourself."  Jimin said as he caresses my back as I blew another rough cough.

"Yes babe. I know, it's just quite tough at the moment" I replied to him assuring that I am fine.

"Please. I know you have the tendencies to overwork. Don't carry all the burden. I know I'm not there to support you but please, don't take all the responsibility all by yourself" Jimin said and hugged me.

I can feel my stomach turn again. It hurts.

I hugged him back and kissed him intimately.

For now, This is the only sweet time I can have.

I woke up the next day with a flower in our bed.

Is this brought by Jimin late night yesterday? Again? He's been doing it for days now.

My heart thumps at the little thought . My precious sweet... Moon, what did I do to deserve such amazing man in my life.

I start my routine and kissed my sleeping Jimin before I leave the house for work.

My throat feels dry. Maybe because of too much coughing. I should take some meds soon.


Jimin's POV


I want this war to end. But at-least it's less bloody than I thought.

You know, I thought it'll be bloody and will be known like worldwide. Will be in the news and such. But I guess I'm wrong.

It's a really quiet battle between the said beings. Whoever the moon is, it must have been tough for him/her. The moon just want to have peace in the mythic beings. Why do demons won't let him/her do want the moon wants to do. Sighpie. I miss my hyung so much.

My bracelet ring lit up bright red. It kept on happening for days now. Does this mean Yoongi hyung is thinking about me again? Hehe, hyung should really focus on work.

I decided to head back to my place to get some progress in my drafts and books. I saw a wonderful flower left in the floor. I saw some the flowers before. One by one day by day. Today, Yoongi hyung compiled it with the new flower for today.

For days, Yoongi hyung has been surprising me with flower every morning which is really really sweet. I picked up the flower and brought it back to my place to keep. I can't just let such beautiful flower stay alone.

Since Yoongi hyung gave me these, I am so inspired to be productive today!

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Since Yoongi hyung gave me these, I am so inspired to be productive today!


A.N: Short chapter I guess? :) next update will have the name of the winner for the give away! :) good luck to everyone who participated! 💜

N: Short chapter I guess? :) next update will have the name of the winner for the give away! :) good luck to everyone who participated! 💜

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