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I have decided...

Not to leave. I'm staying with Yoongi here.

Leave my dream and stay domestic with the one I love.

Well that's what I thought as right now, Yoongi is in front of me saying that I can go.

Go where exactly?

"Pack your bags." He said. Pack... why?

"It's.... okay for me to leave?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes bub. I told you I won't cut your wings. I don't break promises." He smile faintly and I wanna cry.

This guy i swear to God. Is the most understanding one I have ever seen. I hugged him real tight.

"Actually... uhm Jimin."

"What is it?"

"I'm going with you."

"Away from here..... you'll join me?"

"Yes... I'm sorry it took me so long."

I smiled. "Hey now baby... it's okay. i love you. Thank you." I kissed him. God I love him so much.

"After I publish a book. Let's go back here." I said. Our hands brushing each other.

"Whatever you wish my love. Whatever you wish." He kissed me and we started packing our things.

Packing things made me really sweaty. I gotta take a shower as soon as I can. It's so sticky.

I pull my shirt up a little and used it as a towel to damp my face.

I pull my shirt up a little and used it as a towel to damp my face

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"Cmon! Now you're just getting cocky Jimin."

Yoongi groaned throwing himself at the sofa. What? What did I do??

"What even-"

It was too fast. His right behind me groping my ass. My next words are moans.

"Showing your body right now is just plain seduction Mr. Jimin." I wanna do you now.

And I don't know if it is because we were parted by few weeks or months but I immediately linked my lips to his. Too much that we fall at the sofa.

Me grinding at his leg and Yoongi seems can't calm down.

"Damn it Babe... this is so-

I reached for his zipper. Using my mouth, down at it's base... this is too lewd for me but I wanna do more.

This is one of the bestest sex we ever had.

"Take care of our house."


"My plants. Water them regularly. I don't wanna see them dying when we get back."

"Yes yoongi I know. It'll affect the shade of the house."

"Don't forget our pomegranates. I swear to God   Jung Hoseok if you fucking forget that I-"

"Hey hey hey. Shhhh! No swearing in front of the kids!"

"What is fucking?"

"Daddy Jeon said it's what adults do that feels good!"

"Tannie no!" Taehyung partly screams

"What did I do!?"

"Shut up brat. You two go and play. The adults will be saying their good byes." It was Yoongi.

"Let's go Gunhoo. They are emotional creatures."

"But... what is fucking Tannie?"

As we said our short Goodbyes, it's good to see our families are growing.

Taehyung will stay at his condominium as he helps Jimin about his book.

Jungkook and Hoseok together with Tannie and Gunhoo who is already at a form of a kid since I still don't know how aging works in these creatures, will visit us atleast thrice a week.

Namjoon and Seokjin are doing well in a cafe near a certain university where Seokjin is now a professor.

Seems everything is doing well. I hope I didn't jinxed myself. ☺️


A.N: Aaaaaand Bite is officially finished! ☺️ finished in terms of plot wise. But This will not be the end of this story. Future updates will be fun updates regarding what will happen on their daily lives, or whatever. i know you get it. I just suck at explaining. 😂 it's been what? More than 2 years! Thank you for reading and I do hope you enjoyed this story. More fun to come and expect no drama. ☺️

If you enjoyed this story, maybe try reading my other work entitled Coffee Break ☺️

If you enjoyed this story, maybe try reading my other work entitled Coffee Break ☺️

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BITE // YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now