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Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin's greatest love.

Well, they have been together for years but they always quarrel and say this kind of stuffs.

"Namjoon! You ruined the car!" Jin said back at him.

"relax, it's a really minor scratch. Who are you with anyway?" he ease Jin's temple as Jin gave him a bright smile. I don't get them.

"Jimin!!!! " Namjoon ran in the passenger's seat and open the door. "Dude!!! "

Well, he was our bully before until Jin defended us and things happened... He fell inlove with Jin and soon we all became friends.

We are hanging out in the beach and didn't realized it was already late in the afternoon.

"I'm hungry. Can we eat? " I asked and they nod.

We went to this restaurant  just a few blocks away from the beach. We are heading home anyway.

We were greeted by a shining man. He smiled so bright and his aura is glistening.  I can't  believe a person like this exist.

We picked food we wanna eat and waited patiently.

"So,  hows the author life?" Namjoon ask as he read a book.

"cool! I'm  currently  writing a sappy love story. " I said and Jin hugged me.  Jin babies me way too much.

We are eating and we saw a guy not that tall enter the vicinity.  He was wearing black jacket,  black pants and a black cap.

He reminds me of Yoongi. But Yoongi would not go out at 3 in the afternoon.

"Yoongi!! ~" the cheerful guy greeted.

Yoongi?  What?  Really?

"Shut up Hoseok.  I'm  here to bring these papers.  Since you did not go to my house last night."

"soo...  You're  still alive huh? " Jin said in a sarcastic manner.

He turn to us and yes...  It was actually Yoongi. This is new.

"Jin for fucks sake.  Of course I am alive.  I just don't  answer your call. "  he saw me,  eyes shook.

"Hi Jimin... " he said as he sit with us.  Sitting next to Namjoon.

I nod at him.  I don't  know why but the atmosphere is kinda off.

"yah,  Yoongi! Here are the things you need.  You're  welcome. " the bright guy said as he gave Yoongi a bunch of envelopes and send kisses on his way.

"it's  a surprise you have a friend thus bright Yoongi. " Namjoon and Jin said in unison.

"he's Hoseok.  He's  my uhm...  Secretary. " Yoongi mumbles as he nibbles in his food.

I should get out of here...  I somehow feel hot.

I poke Jin in hus waist so he leaned on me which earned a sort of glare from Yoongi.

"what is it Jiminie? " Jin whispered to me and I whispered back.

"I wanna go home... Can I please go home? "

Jin nodded and pat my head.

"Jimin is not feeling well. I'll  escort him home. " Jin said but Yoongi held his hand as we all stood up.

"I just dropped some papers here.  I'll  take Jimin home.  You two should hang out. " Yoongi said as he stares in my soul.  He looks so intimidating and I don't  know why.  What is he trying to do? I just look at the table and avoid his eyes.

"Oh please Yoongi.  We know you.  How about Namjoon and I dropped Jimin home and you hang out with this sunshine Hoseok here. " Jin smiled at Hoseok as he tugged Namjoon.

"Since he looks so important.  you're willing to go out at a time like this and not even give us a call or a text. "

Jin said in a sassy tone.  He's  right though.  Knowing that he was willing to go out at a time like this,  knowing Yoongi who just wants to stay home..  I am really surprised.  I felt a pang in my heart with this situation we are in but I let it go.

Jin, Namjoon and I went out of the restaurant.

Namjoon used Jin's car and went to a repair shop as Jin and I used Namjoon's car to take me home.

It was a silent ride and I can feel my body start to burn.  It was so hot I don't  even know why.

"Jimin... I know your quite ulset of what Yoongi did.  I can't believe  that he didn't  answer your text!  Wait. Are you sick? "

I just nod about the Yoongi statement and shook my head about me being sick.

"I just wanna rest. " I said and with that.  I close my eyes never forgeting that someobe was able to make Yoongi do thi gs he won't  usually  do.

Hoseok is a wonderful man.  What a beautiful  sunshine does Yoongi have while I was gone.


A.N: All of bts might be here 😁

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