im always here

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A/n: you have cancer, but peter doesn't know... Yet.



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You walked through the school's hall.

Boys was fighting, girls was gossiping about the boys, teacher was already screaming "don't run in the hall!!" Or "Mackenzie, Dylan stop kissing! Its inappropriate".

All of this mess and its only 8:00 am.

You walked through the school's hall.
Through the kids, trying to be invisible.

You reached to your locker, typing the code.
You put your books in there and took your English book for your first period.

In the second you closed your locker's door, you saw a familiar face.

"Good morning" the voice said.

A boy stood next to you.
Well, not just a boy.
It was peter parker, your boyfriend.
He stood there, with a cheesy grin.

He looked extra handsome today.
He wore your favourite sweater, the dark blue one, with a Buttoned plaid shirt underneath. Hiding his big muscles.
His hair, the one you love to play with and run your fingers through, was all fixed up with gell, even tho he knew that you loved it without it.
His eyes the one you could stare into for days, were shining like always.

"Well hello, there pretty boy" you said with a big smile, happy to see him like every morning.

"I bought you coffee" he said and handed you a cup he held behind his back.

"And i brought you my famous cookies" you said and you took a small box out of your bag, giving it to him.

"Really?? You made more? I thought that i ate the last ones" Peter's face lighten up for the gift you gave him, his favourite cookies.

"First of all, you ate them all. And second,i made more last night. For you"
That wasn't a lie, you did made those.
But not yesterday.
You were at the hospital.
For your first chemo treatment.

Four months ago, you got diagnosed with blood cancer.
With leukemia.
The doctors gave you medicine, but they didn't worked.
So, they send you to chemotherapy.

You didn't told peter about it, yet.
The only one how knew about this whole mess was your father, the only family you have left.

You didn't want to tell peter because you knew it'll make him worry.
And that's the last thing he needs right now.
Peter is worry enough for his aunt and for he's friends and for you and for the town.

Yes. You knew Peter's secret.
And you couldn't be more proud of him.

"That's amazing" peter cut you off your thoughts, with his mouth full with cookies.

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