be there for you

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A/n: I changed the blip from 5 years to 5 months so it would make more sense :)

Also I wanted to say thank you so much for 100 readers!!
I Know it's not a lot but it's amazing that someone reads my crap:)



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Three months.
Three months past since your mom died,
And almost five since your dad went missing.

It started two weeks after your dad disappeared.
Your mom got so depressed and that mad ever sick, wich was the mane reason for her sudden death.
But you knew it wasn't it, she didn't die because she was sick.
She died from sadness, the reason she got sick in the first place.

You were afraid that it'll happen to you too.

You lost everything.
You lost your mom, you lost your dad,
You lost peter.

Gosh you missed him like crazy...

After what happened with your mom, May, Peter's aunt took you under her guard.

She was broken too, she lost her nephew,
Her child, she lost peter too.

It was the first time you heard knocks in weeks.

"Y/n honey, can you get the door please?
It's so weird.." May said from the kitchen.

You nodded and got off the couch.

You opened the door.
And you saw the last person you thought you'll see.
You froze and you couldn't talk, or move or do anything else. You were so shocked that you saw him again, wearing a new suit, and that he was actually here, in front of you, alive.

"Pete?" You heard May's voice shake behind you.

"Hey May" he breathed out, letting out a small smile.
You took a step back, still shocked, letting May hug him.

"I was so worried! I thought you- where were you? What happened to you? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Mat threw questions at him while she pulled away, looking at his bruised face.

"I'm fine may, don't worry. I'm ok" he said, reassure her.

You knew he lied. You knew how hurt he is, even if you weren't sure what happened.

May pulled him to another tight hug.
"May, I kinda need to breath" he chuckled making May smile.

"I missed you so much peter"

I missed you too May" he said kissing her head then looking at you.

May looked at him then at you, she smiled "I'll give you too some space"
She said and walked away, to her room.

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