insecurities 2- acne/ acne scars blurb

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ou were doing your usual make up routine, trying to hide your skin.

You finished putting mascara and lipstick and went out to pick up your boyfriend who was two floors below you.
"Bye mom! Bye dad!" You yelled as you walked out.

"Remember that we're on a trip this weekend! We'll see you on Monday, ok sweetie?"

You nodded and went down the stairs,
Basically jumping down from excitement.

You haven't seen peter since yesterday morning...
He was busy patrolling and finishing homework, so, you didn't even get to call him.

When you got to Peter's apartment, you fixed your hair and knocked.
"Oh, hey y/n! Good morning, good to see you!" His aunt may welcomed you with a big hug.

"Hey may, I missed so much!" You smiled for the first time today, giving her a hug.

"What about me?" You heard another voice behind her.

You pulled back, moving your eyes to the voice,
Peter's voice.
"I mean, I know that I'm quiet sometimes but you don't need to- offf"

You stopped him, pulling him into your embrace "morning nerd"

Peter nozzled his face to your neck, moving his fingers to brush your hair.
"I missed you, sunshine"

Your heart jumped to the nickname.
You loved that nickname,
He made you smile Every time you heard it.
Peter decided to call you like that so you could remember you are his sunshine, the one he loves.

"I don't want to ruin your sweet moment, but you have school" may cut you out of your thoughts.

You pulled away from peter, and he moved his hand to hold yours.
"Ok, bye may! I'll be home late, y/n need to study for a math test!" Peter kisses his aunt's cheek and you both went out.


"And then, he was like 'pow!!!' and 'woosh' and I was like 'hey, I don't think this money is yours' and he started shooting and that was crazy!!" Your boyfriend told Ned, his best friend, some stories that happened to him during his hero duties.

You couldn't help but stare.
You loved how his eyes shined when he talked about something he love, and how is mouth twitch up when he sees you.

Peter stopped talking and looked at you,
Memorizing every inch of your face.

Peter absolutely loved you and the way you looked.
He loved how human you looked like,
The wrinkles you have when you smile,
The messy hair you had in the morning or after you swinged through the city,
He loved your perfect unperfectly skin,
Who was so soft and pretty.

Peter reached a hand to hold your cheek,
But in the second it touched you you moved away, still scared (after half a year of a relationship) that he'll feel grossed out or uncomfortable with your skin.

Peter know how insecure you are about you acne, even though he loved it. Because he loved you.
And he tried to tell you so many times, but you just switched the subject and waved him off. Not taking his compliments.

"You too are disgusting" you heard MJ.

You turned around and frowned. "We did literally nothing" you defended yourself.

"you stared at eachother, all romantic and cheesy".

Peter rolled his eyes but grined, holding your hand and squeezing it.


You were sitting you your room, on Peter's lap, playing with your make up.
"You see? This makes my lashes longer and darker" you explained to peter.

"Yeah, I got it. But it still doesn't answer my question though" he said, rubbing your back.

You scrunched your eyebrows, not understanding "what question?"

"Why do you need this? I mean, you look great with it, but you look even better without it"

You shook your head. "cause... I like it" you lied. He can't know how much it bothers you...

"C'mon sunshine... Tell me the truth" he held the side eof your neck gently.

"It's just..." You took a deep breath "I don't like how I look without it...
So I need to put it to look good"

Peter looked at the table, and took the make up remover in his right hand, while his left one still on your back.

He started to wipe your make up off.
You shook your head, feeling tears in your eyes. "peter, please don't" you tried to push him away while warm tears falling down your cheeks.

But peter didn't answered, he just kept cleaning your face, exposing your scarred skin you hid under.

When he finished, he placed a hand on your cheek, wiping away the fresh tears that joined the dry ones.
"There's my pretty girl" he smiled softly at you.
"You look beautiful y/n. With or without makeup. I love you. I love your skin. I love your scars. I love every part of you.
And I love more the fact that you show me that you don't need to have a perfect skin to be the moth gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, breathtaking person in the world. You don't need to hide yourself"

His words touched your heart.
You didn't know he felt that way, and that he thought this thoughts...
His sweet words made you crack a smile and move you fingers to his hair.
"Thank you pete, you don't even know how much that means to me"

Peter smiled, pressing his lips to yours, kissing you softly.
You melt into his touch, moving impossibly closer to him and kissing him more.

"I love you too, nerd. So so much" you mumbled into his lips, pulling him back to more.

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